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The Topeka Tribune from Topeka, Kansas • Page 3

The Topeka Tribune from Topeka, Kansas • Page 3

Topeka, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IIIRAM RICH. Mark Tin Htarhtts, iftt JTerosene Oil at A. S. FARKER, Atchison. jst.w.cox, Fort Leavenworth.

Kellam XSro's. THE TB4K A. S. PARKER Oil at TOPEKA, KANSAS, Dec. 13, tSOi).

OF THE WHt Kellam Bro'a. Topeka Trices Ceirrcnl. 0:30 WEEKLY; Flour superfine, saik 2.7.r Qastor Oil at RECEIVING FORWARDING MANUFACTURER ANT) DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Kellaui Ero's. exrra SU.KSIMolassks X. O.

gal 660 (Entourage Dome Knhstrj. yinseed Oil at Sugar N. O. Sc'Syrup Golden 13j A xks Collins SI 1 ,20 Cokfek I8a30c, Nails 4s and up. .50 Holloway's Tills and Oistm ext.

Exercise your Judgment A newer and better philosophy. To pull dowu all absurd and antiquated notions of dieaie and its cures and to ectablLL a rational on tne ruins, has been the chief endeavor of Dr. Holloway through life, henc's the origin of his celebrated Pills and Ointment jeme-dies in keeping with common sense because subservient to nature rather than at variance with her laws like those in general use. To the stomach we headache and general debility to the liver, bile, jaundice and yellow fever, to thn bowels, diarrhoea, dysentery, constipation piles and fistula; to the lung-i, consumption, ic, to the blood, scrofula, (scurvy and all cutaneous eruptions. By kesping these organs and the vi-t il tlaid pure and healthy, we may safly defy the attacks of disensi and no medicine yet prepared for this purpose can equal the" action of these Pills and Ointment, a they dive to the seat of the disorder and by extirpating; its cause destroy its effect.

Ketlatu Bro'h MERCHANTS Teas imperial .00 Hides Green, 40 LOCAL jNIATTERS. black. 50nH5rt Drv, He gweet Oil at Kellam Uro's- Chamber, Parlor, Office Kitchcii ATCHISON, K. T. fy urpentine at Rottkr tt 20 Burning Flcid.

Whkat bu Wood cord Rick lb stone bu .200 Board wk. o4 Mo Glass 50 fr. orn average 7 5c Lumber 1001) ft 20a3c Cons Mkal 40.i6c Bekf lb. 46ciShi5glk8 pine. Bacon 10 a lie wuhiut.

5.Uc Tai.low, 9all Cows .18 a 45 Kellam Ilro's. FURNITURE, HOLLOWAF'S Sam Fletcher, advertises a large lot of Boots, Shoes, Clothing, which he is selling at very cheap See advertisement, and then go and buy something to keep you warm. The "Ladies Episcopal Society," Kellam Bro's. lastile Soap at "yhite Lead at Offer their services to the Merchants and business men of TopeKa. Having two of the largest Warehouses in the city they are prepared to store any amount of goods safely and cheaply.

BAD LEGS, BAl9 heaven LEA EN WORTH MARKET. Kellam Bro's. MATTRESSES, PILLOWS, C. Concentrated Lye at Kellam Bro's. ANl'rJs and 1 AH description of sores ai rlo VS and dcligent use of tWl Immense Sale.

Of this class, Sloan's prepara tions can be ranked with safety, for we have heard of no instance where his medicines have been triad, but that the fullest t-atisfaction has been given, and their immense sale will fully at will meet on next Wednesday afternoon at the residence of Jno. W. Farnsworth, Flour, $3,003,50 sack. Bacon, S.V13. Butter, 1015 lb.

Eggs, 10 15. Corn, bu. Oats, 40 All to be found at the City Drug Store, To attempt to cure bad leesSOVferiE A large assortment of KELLAM Prop. test their popularity. ireenort Journal, ill.

Sea Sloan's advertiseiumt ia another column. on Van Buren street. the wound togethe- is 6fq rpi. unite a diseased con' to break out with ten ful.l from only rationul and successul! 43. Driedap- COUNTY SCRIP.

WOOD COFFINS Sc METALIC CASES Charles Harrison, a saloon keeper in pies, SI, 50 peaches, S4.00 bu. Su nature, is to reduce the; lnniUIlli cc wound and to soothe theiflf Vp in )lentj of Ointmeit.tt3 Cash for County Scrip, at Dauthit, Greer Denver City, shot a man by the name of and Dudley's Office. Also money to loan. gar S8J.c-crushed,12c Coffee, 17 Crackers, Whiskey, 22c DIPTIIERIA, Vllun mi liensioi Groceries, choice and good, at reduced THROAT, AND fr prices, at BARTLET'S 4c. Tobacco, 1S60.

Cigars, 4,50 Constantly on Hand. Also a Large Assortment of ER QEi Can OM. Lumber, clear white pine, Anv of tbo above diseases fV car, sed, Shingle, cu binjj the Oiiitmetit three'tiit, thnmt and neck of the nutjeuhe Li and itive iiumeiiiiite relief. ar.A NEW tnntirh mlKf: r.nerwti llliaw.u James Hill, on the 2d death resulting in a few hours. Hill was intoxicat-ed, and used indecent language towards Harrison.

Tax-payers Attention. G. W. Safp, ihe efficient Clerk of this County, proposes to pay taxes for nonresidents, and also transact such other business as may be put in his hands. See his advertisement.

A rr- Ty TAXES! Q. -W. SAPP, COUNTY CLERK, of Shawnee county, Notary Public, Legal Conveyancer, and General Business Agent, Topkeka Kansas, Will attend to all business entrusted to him. Collections made and promptly returned, Taxes paid all letters addressed to him will meet with prompt attention. Office in the Kitchey Block, up stairs.

declo fluence can lie felt in anvloioveri ST. LOUIS MARKET. nieut wiil no ita wor: ecunt in tlie above iuCcIU nieut wiil do its work ktt WALL PAPER any similar disorders aftecUg jJ Wheat, 81,00. Flour, 82,75. Corn, TU A MT A Tfl AT Staple Dry Goods, very low for pay in wiu nnu iiiemseives rcnevoa.

ci.m nt JL-L-L-LJ VxAxtX -L XJLJL VJl 4Sc. Oats, 33ic. Whiskey, -lSc. Dry hand, at BARTLET'S. 1 ides, 14c.

Dried apples, SI Beans, Cor. Sc Kansas Peaches, 83,40. Coffee, 12tfcl3Jc. Sugar, 77fc. Mess Pork, Jno Tams, at Leavenworth City, has 818,00.

Ham, lOjc. Butter, 8al2cpb. TOPEKA, T. Topeka RailRo ad CERTAIN Eggs, 10c. Hemp, 8H0115.

Clover, For the Presidential Election Of 1360 has now Irrevocably Opened J. M. IlamiUon Have just received their New Stock of seed 84,75. Hungarian, 70c. Flax one of the largest and best stocks of queensware and chinaware, lamps, West of St.

Louis. Buyers will find this lo be the place to replenish their stocks. See advertisement. 81-15 Potatoes, 50a75c. Onions, 81.10 N.

B. PlE Lu 31 BE It FFK SALE. Provisions, choice and fresh, at PILES, FISnEA? futur The above class of coirjfilpl ng; nightly fomenting the pjirt, then by Persons suffering from lose not a moment in aref? it should 1 to smear the Ointment On tf must be well rubbed in two or three times a day, thg rnV system, whence it will wound as fffeetuully as thoydtlOD Therf again brend and bing id i the OintmentU) luiJO is the only sure treatment fofcUSe in the stomueh, or ingdown. lSll 9n(histo INDISCRETIOXffOI pANDiHlratio Rlothes, as also swellings i radically cured if th Ointniy11 ov Pills can be taken iight aijrjtion in the printed instructions, i way they only dry up njl uiffiG Cll.i other; whereas tliis Ointmer-from the system and leMV3J1 healthy being. It wiil rv.auiiflnd Pills to insure a lasting dropsicaIt llie SIS AND STliestal Although tlie above And so is the undersigned, by saying that he has the BAKTLET'S JOHN TAM! FALL AND WINTER GOODS, I LA GES A ND BES A SS OR T-MENT OF Wholesale Retail Dealer in FROM THE EAST.

NEW STORE CHINA Boots and Shoes, at prices to suit the Bavins: been engaged in the mercliantile bus BOOTS SHOES, Juvenile Singing School. L. W. Ilorne proposes to open a school for the instruction of children in the science of vocal music and will organize a class and give the first lesson this (Saturday) afternoon, -at 2 o'clock, in Museum Hall. We predict that this step will be cordially approved of by the Mamas and Papas of our village.

Fsllow-townsrnen, John Fletcher, left our city on Monday evening last, destined for the State of Indiana. We believe it is his intention to return to Topeka in the course of a few weeks. times, at BARTLE TS. iness in this city for about three years, Messrs. Hamilton Co.

are willing to leave it to their NEWG00DS patrons decide whether their way of doing ever offered in this market, which he offers for GLASS 4- QUEENSWARE. buriness has been such as to give universal sati. sale verr cheap for cash. S. II.

FLETCHER. faction and secure to this Firm a larger circle of Many ot the worst caser orsiaoral customers than any other in the place. a comparatively short sf ment is uiligently ruoueu Jiitej after every otbar means' Uu4grd( Burning Fluid, S. FLETCHER, maladies the nils snoujtj oe printed directions accouvjftfiR: iai Blackwoocl's Magazine AND THE BRITISH, REVIEWS. firiiprisei OUR STOCK OF GOOIS Both the Ointrnqitter Great Inducements to Subscribe! Lnrd Oil, Chandeliers, Lamps, Plated Ware, Britanni i Ware, Is now opening, at their Store Room, pposita used in theoipslai ixiccney iiiocii, a large stock ot Bad Legs IfV Is very larjre nnj has been selected with great care.

It. embraces Drv Uoocs, Clothinfr, Queensware, oOo PREMIUMS and REDUCTIONS. A well selected stock of Goods, at Bad Breasts 1 A')JfCoe Burns rfrW Bunions I'fcJient Bite of Moschetoes audrki -i AVe invite buyers tn pive us a call and examine lor themselves, as we will sell Goods as Cheap for Cash as BARTLET'S. Gas Fixtures and A3 ANY TOWN OR CITY IN THE WEST. Sand-flies READ Y-MADE CL 0 THING, Coco-bay laJtAnlni 4-13-ly L.

SCOTT New York, continue to publish Topeka, K. T. April 21, 1860. House rtiriiishisig Goads, Chiego-foot Chilblains T. 4her.

vrhtetv Cou.istins of fine Black Dress, Over and Business Cancers wrld ca IV o. SIShawXee street. Between Third Fourth North side, Leavenworth, Kansas. coats; hue black doe-Kkln, faricjT casamere, casi- Contracted end' stiff Xomta JM nstte and tweed Bants black tilk velvet, pluth, Elephantiasis -I0flls cassimere, and fancy silk Vects fine liuin, over Fistulas and under, check and hickory shirts CAUTION '-None are gere re Wood is being sold in our streets, at from two to three and a half dollars per cord coal, fifteen to twenty cents per bushel. We will take either wood or coal, at this office, on subscription.

The City Council, at their meeting on the 4th authorized the Street Commissioner to contract for the grading of Street, at the culvert. At their meeting, on the 6th G.G.Gage was elected City Assessor. An ordinance, recently passed by the City Council, renders it necessary that nil bodies interred in the old city bury- the following leading British viz THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) THE EDINBURGH KEVIEW (Whig.) THE BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church.) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) "Holloway, New VonitUin1! as a Water-mark inevprif leor SHIRT COLLARS LATEST STYLE. A Large Stock of Bi sure and go to the new frame Store ions mound each pot seen by holding the leaf to reward wiil be given to. ai.V.fliniJ foi mation as may had tii1Clprri(l or parties counterfeitiitg the same, kuowiug thiliwfej fu on 6thav and buy of I3ARTLET.

S. G. D1SBHOW. EDWARD FEXLON, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE. Sold at the M-imifaettt lln BQQTSSc SHOES T'ne piesnt Ci state of Eurnpean affairs "ill Midden Lane.

New York, and aud Dealers in iu boxes at 25 cents, 62 jrj DEALER IN render tln'se publ cntions imusuiil interratiug duriiiR the for. hconiiiiff year. Tln- will occupy a middle iriound between the hastily written news-item, crude inT o-round must be removed prior to i nereis consU-CAJe i flJO 1 irer Mae. .7 STRA YED OR DRIVEN OFF. speculations, and flying i umoi ol the Journal 0 the 15th of February next.

Those hav Mens and Boys Loots all sizes. N. IV Directi and me pouuvrous lunie 01 ineiuTure niMurnui, in Two Cows One a large red and white rpotted 11 1 ten the nvniir interest ami excitement tile crea every disaider ar poiliicil events it the time shall have issed away. It LADIES KID-IIEELED GAITERS. cow.

about live or Six years oiu, wen mihiku horns, and likely to "couie in" during the pres- ti these pi Ti'iuicuis thai readers ivusc loOK lor tne Ladies kid-heeled Buskins, foxed heeled-gaiters, only really and reliable Ins ory or curren onl mnfith Till tttBT SL Small TPO ClllT. WltU eJJLJ KzX th Iron, Nails, Miners' Picks, Pans events, and as surh, in hddiiu to their wel'-estahlish some white in her free and roine white on her tor misses uiidi ens shoes, an varieties. ed literal scientific, ami theoiocical character. TOBACCO, CIGARS, INSTANT ure thtui upon the coiisidorutiou ot the reading puu flanks-has marks from having been wounded with shot on her left hip and flank; she was likely to -ivtlltS He. I'ur iiurscH The receipt of advanck siikkts from the Britisl come in during December; they were last seen ar publishers gives ud'ii ional value to these Reprints, ill home on Wednesday, Oct.

31. A liberal reward 'I'liis is truly a great MAT A3VI CAPS Tccumsclt, Kansas. a asmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of sub of Sloan's Ins ant Relief am ingfn'ends bunied there should give this matter timely attention, and not allow the work of removal to pass into the hand of the authorities. Trask, who has charge of the new Cemetery, is ready at any time to remove bodies to that place, when employed. A delightful rain visited this vicinity on Sunday the 9th inst.

It effected much good by way of replenishing wellsf cisterns, furnishing standing water, and 1 eunTiH ,1 water, seldom fails to will be paid for thvir return, or for information where they may be found. As they were purchased of Mr. Thompson, on the Wakarusa, they may aud Outfitting Coeds, also Mil scitbeis about us soon as tlie original editions. TEIJItl. (Tvegular Prices.) 1 extreme cm minu es minutes IU I have gone down to that neighborhood.

THE TOPEKA Tit IBUX E. Bruises. Per nun. ri: s. on Horses.

Cattle, J)Q 610 JIooglasd, Dated, Nov. 15, 1860. Tecum set. Black Clotli, Fancy, and Plush Caps for Boys. HATS of the Latest styles.

stant Relief speedily efjtetsOg Prepare for Great Political Cam- For any one of the fi.ur Reviews S3 0D For any two of Ihe four Reviews. 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews 7 "0 For all four of the Reviews 8 00 For Blackwood's Magazine 3 00 nave neen asuHiisucu vv HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. by the use of this wonS n-iio-n if LADIES LAMB-WOOL HOSE. Get Circulars 01 Agents DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED Sloan's Oiij Gents half -hose, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS.

For mildness. Safety, -CefcSfT Ointment eiwls, 10, other Ointments and IJiifhttrfu' i i ll' reviving up the grass and "browse" for TRUNKS CARPET-SACKS AND NOW IS TSIE TIJIE TO Sl'ESCRlBE. and last but by no means least, by- LIVER PILLS, UMBRELLAS. Fresh wounds, or W.qq Riiiebone. vHfIial Delaware (between Second Third,) Leavenworth City, Kansas.

The Tribune now more than five years old. and imparting new life and hope to the sinking spirits of our citizens. We believe ALL OF WHICH AVE OFFER VERY ne j. Fistula. Foundered FttJm or Greese, Man ire Bed NrfiH.K, a FOR TUB CXBE For Blackwood and one Review.

5 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews 7 60 For Blackwood and three Reviews 9 00 For ood and the fur Reviews. 10 00 Money current in the iatate where issued will be receiv ed par. POSTAGE. The Posta(5K to any part of the United States will be but, Tu'Vllt) fourC'eiltii a year for -Hlai and but Ifo.ariec.jl 4JtlltS. a year for each of the Reviews.

At 'lie above prices the Periodicals will be furuisHed for Ibtil. AM) AS A Premium to 'cw Subscribers the Xns of the same periodicals for 1M9 wiil be furnished complete, without additional charge. having a large circulation boih in Missouri and Kan will continue in essence what it ever has been the LOW FOr CASH. i lie tuuw there is "a good time coming," and that Hepatitis or Liver Complaint, earnest champion of Linerly and Progress, and the uncompromising enemy to every species of Legislaiion, Topeka, Dec. 3, 1S59.

SAMUEL FLETCHER I composed princirall of l.e lie irtveii at all times, unit andf IU torui ot tioverninent, or policy oi rnnj which viii the corresponding reaction of next sea son will prove an equal extreme of pros perfect safety. lc has beeafo i to he highly useful in tttel4iV DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. which Horses and Hide-bound. Loss of rbHftei Water, Inflaniation of lA't THE COUNTRY STORE! perity lo that of want and failure during the past, and place us again upon an errirc; also, Kiieumatmni Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. Opposite Eldridge House, comi'luint.

It is also a tufa mi Unlike the more ephemeral izines ciliea iy. these Period lose little foy age. Hence, a foil year of the Nos for 1S59, be regarded nearly as valuable as lor I SoT. COUGHS AC2 LAWRENCE, conduce to impair our Coiutitunona Rights and Natural Liberties, or cause us to forfeit the claims and perogatives which we as a people possess. If is Democratic in its pi iivciples believing that the Democratic party, in its adminislrai ion of our National affairs, approaches nearer to a perfect ami simple system of Uovkrnmhnt by thk Pkojm.f, Hum any other, and in its policy with respect to Tai itFa.

Currencies and Internal Improvements, adrocates less monopoly, less governmental machinTy and consequently less expense, and reduces nearer to the People the functions of government or civil sovereignty and power than any other political organization now in existence. THE TRIBUNE is published at the Provisional Capital of the State of Kansas, and when once the State organization is out into effect, will possess su Subscribers wishing also the Nos. for 1860, will be 1)AIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increase on pressure; sometimes J. WHORTON. T.

H. ELDRIDGE DEALS AT It carries off all grosJumJ iflamation and fever, eanse the water, andOtren Jl. A r. supplied at the following ultkkmby low raiks. SPLENDID OFFERS FOR ani'61 Together.

equal footing with or in advance of sections of country which have this last season left us far behind. Hope on; hope ever. There is a glorious future in store for the people of Kansas. ILeturnig. -We understand that Dr.

Fletcher, ap old resident of Tipeka, who has been in the States for several WHOLESALE RETAIL PUPJFY THE BLOOD! JvIOFFAT'S Vegetable Life Pills, A2il PHCEXIX BITTERS, prices, by BROWN; IN Fine Dress Goods Kor Magazine. three years $5 00 J. 8. HOBBS If CO.NufSuA;, and bv neai lv all SILKS, DOMESTICS perior advantages as a news-journal, resulting from its location, and acquire a peculiar interest not possessed by news-papers cmanat rom less favored For any one Review 5 00 Fcr any two Reviews. 8 00 Kor Blackwood and one Review 00 St.

Louis, and in EVERY T(iy Stat. A LTEK B. M.OAf COTTONADES, CLOTHS. AND CLOTHING, loealities. TOPEKA is now ranidly growing in importance.

For Blackwood and two Reviews 12 0 For sale by AN For three Reviews 11 uu UVIN, ail irii; nnd will soon attain a decree ot civic celebrity ana si.l by DiUAfjjis commercial influence not enjoyed by any point west ot READY-MADE the pain is in the left side; tne patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for a rheumatism in the arm. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness, the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the hbad is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation iu the back part. There is generally a considerable loss cf memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of having 'left undone something which ought to have beer done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility; he is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he com- The hifrh and' envied celebrity whiuh these pi-emi-M.

huve acuuired fork their in' uable effi St. Louis. The growth and development ot tne k.l BUNE will in every respect be in a corresponding OBTAlN'skCfs cacy in ali the disease which they profess lo cure, has manner. And while it is now as large as the generali Vt everv yuanty, BONNETS, RIBBONS, rendered the usual practice of puttiug not only uuuec ty of Kansas prints, no spirit of enterprise shall be wanting, at ihetarliest warrantable day. to place it in size, original interest and ability, side bv side with the MILLINERY GOODS.

essary, but unworthy ot tlieni. IN ALL CASKS rr, stisH1 of Asthma, Acute and Chronic KJieumatism, affections largest and best how oub.ished in the west. HATS AND CAPS, Tne nendinir Presidential contest with six Candi By insuri of the Bladder and Kidneys. UTi Liors Fevkks and Livkr, BOOTS, SHOES GAITERS, dates in the fii-ld promises to be one of unparalleled In the Siuth aud West, where those diseases prevail. interest, which, together with the early admission of Hardware, Queensware, Glassware.

For Blackwood and three Reviews 15 00 For the Reviews 13 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews 17 00 Any of the above works will also be furnished to Nbw Slbscbibkrs for the year IS56-7 and At one-Iialf tlie lingular Subscription Prices. Thus a Nkw Scescriber may obtain the Repiints of the lour Reviews and Blackwood Six Consecutive Years for $32 Which is about the price of the original works lor one 'as we shall never be likely to offer such inducements as those here presented, SOW is th3 Tims to SUBSCRIBE! Remittances must, in all cases, bo mide direct to the Publishers, for at these prices no commission can be allowed to agems. A "dress, LEONARD SCOTT No. 54 Gold Street, New York. Kansas, furnishes an ever ready tneme lor specuta tln-v will de found invaluable.

Planters, farmers and months collecting donations for the relief of Kansas, is now on his return to Topeka, and will be here in a few days. The Doctor has received over fifteen hundred dollars in money, a part of which ras sent to Gen'l Pomeroy, but the most of which, Dr. will bring with him to Topeka. Topeka rmc Institute. The meetings of this literary institution, the present season, promise to be both rich and instructing.

The lovers of high-toned literature should attend these meetings. The regular anniversery meeting will be held early in January, tion, discussion aud gossip and one of no ordinary others, who once use these Medicines, will never alter FAIvCV AND STAPLE interest to the tieople ot tlie ro one can fail. then, to see ti necessity of being provided with a newspaper, published at some accessible point, and we respectfully urge the (not unsurpassed 1 but more 1 A TbllirVI? plains of a prickly sensation ot the skin GEOCEEIES, mail OlUl IJITJ auvauiayea ruj'ijcu uj wis wards he, without tnem. Looskxi-ss. Bilks, Costive sess, Golds and Ccl-uhs.

Ciiolic, C'ouklpt Humors, Dhof-iks. Dvspepsia. No person wi.h this distressinir disease should delay usin these Mudicines iniinediately. Eruptions t.t" the skiu, Erysipelas, Flatulency. Ffvkr asd Al'K.

Kor this hcourge of the Western couiitrv, these Medicines wiil be fuuud a sate, speedy nnJ c. rtjii remedy. Oilier medicines leave the sysu in his spirits are and auhougn ne is satisfied' that exercise' would be beneficial to him, TERMS. Carpets, One copy, one year Sw Five copies, oue year 5S Three conies, one year 5 I Ten conies, one year, IS vet lie can scarcely summon up fortitude 1-nou'h to try it. In fact, he distrusts evcrj re-lld" Several Ot the above SVlDPtOins I subject to a return of the a cure vj iuee li.if.a i ripmlHIieilt.

Publication Twenty copies to auaress ot eacn suoscriuer. Any person sending us a club of Twenty, or more, will tie entiled to an extra copy. For a club of Forty, we will send three copies of the Tribune. Subscriptions may commence at any time. Terms, always cash iu advance.

letters to be addressed to CUMMINUS SHEPHF.UD, attend th; disease, but cases have occurred satisfied, and be cured. the programme of which will appear next where few of them existed, yet examination VSfA-vTooVT-. GIDDINESS. Territory of Kansas, Franklin County. a 1 I I L.

(ha I Rugs, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Transparent Fixtures, Damask, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Willi Cornice Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Double GKAVfcL. week in the city papers. do hope it the aeaisi, nis muwu mi. 1 I I 1 Jn.f,n,l William E. Crum vs.

Henry J. Clark Geo. W. Champlin Beza Kezer and 1.1V ER tO 1UVC DCCIl CXlt-iisiv tiv that all the old and every one District Court Third Judicial District Attachment. FEVER.

AGUE AND Headaches of every kind. Inward Fever, Ii flamatory Kheumaiim. Impure Blood. Jaund cc, Loss of appotiu? Mkkccrial LilSEASKS Never fails to eradicate entirely all the t-nvcts of Jlercury, intiiiiiely sooutr thuu the most powerful preparation of SarsapariUa. Nioht sweArs, NkRvoiI Complaints ot all kinds, ORGANIC AFFEC'liONS.

Piles. The original iiroprietor of these medicines Daniel J. Kezer, Th defendants in this action are hereby noti fied that the plaintiff, William E. Crum, the loth nViv of A. D.

I860, did file his petition Casu Capital; I14 1 i iToti and Single 31 in snivl district Cnnrt. in the office of tha Clerk of was cured of Piles of 35 years' atauuiiig, bj the use of said county of Franklin, wherein he prayed judg thi-se Life Meoicwes alone. pi in the Head, side. Back. Join's and Orpan Rhkimatism.

Those aftected with this terrible di- ment on a promisory note made by en ns nrinciual. and Geore-e W. Champlin as surety, Sheriff's Sale. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Sheriff of the county of Shawnee, will by virtue of an execution issued out of the Second District Court of said county, irj fa'orof B. D.

Castleman and against James M. Herrin, and to him directed, at 1 o'clock, F. on the 22d day of December, A. 1S60, at the Court House door, in the city of Topeka, in said county, offer for sale at Public Auction, the following personal Iw. kiirn.f relief bv these Lite Aleaicitivs.

of date Aug-ust 10th. 185S, and calling for one- Rush of Blood to the head, scurvy salt-rheum, swel 8. L. LOOMIS, Pres't K.rr.&II. INC INI The Phrenix Insurane, Cpi ortranization, with a completet tabiuhed throughout tMfioti! entire time and attention to tj.

ance, beinjr free fromlr crtj the Marine business, j'JJ(f of $400,000, with larjre cnslii who wishes to become a member, will be present at theopening on next Wednesday evening. The institution possesses some valuable property in the city which should be secured and also a library of considerable value that should be in a public place that it may be used by the members of the Institute. Philomatiiic Institute. The first regular meeting, of the season, of the Topeka Philo.nathic Institute, will be held in Museum Hall, on Wednesday evening, the inst. Question for debate: "Resolved, That California, Washington, Utah, New Mexi- hundred dollars, with interest from date; said note having been made in favor of, and delivered to, C.

T. Bybea, and fcy said Bybee eudorsed 7 11 1 Ti.a1 Scrofula or Kites' Evil in its worst of every description. Wni of ah kind are effectuallr expelled by these Yankee Notions, etc. Extraordinary Inducements ARB 0FFKKBD TO DEALERS AND FAMILIES Da. M'LaneV LivtR Pills, ir; cases oi-Ague axd Fevfr, when taken with Quinine, arc productive of the most happy results.

No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would advise ail who arc afflicted with this disease to give them A FAIR. TRIAL. Address all orders to FLEMING Pittsburgh, Pa. S' Dealers and ordering from others than l-Wnini Bros, will do well to write then-orders distinctly, HUsburgh, 1'a.

To those wishing to eive XhmA a trial, 1U firwnr.1 per mail, post paid, to lany jpart he United States; one box of PUU iKtae or one vUl of-Vermifuge fonrteen SUnt "tumps. All orde. from- Canada- n.u bo ac-eotupaiiied by tweuty cents extra; to Beza JVezer, ana Dy ueza rvezr ww TiToTor. pndorscil to the plaintiff aforesaid for a Medicines. Parents will do well to aumniisier them whenever their existence is suspected.

Keik-f will be payment of losses wtthpnnT. For Great Variety and Low Prices. THE ENTIRE STOCK IS'NEW valuable consideration. The said defendants are further notified that the requisite affidavit having by said plaintiff been filed, an attachmenUfrom said court issued against the lands and tenements, goods and chattels, rights and credits of laid property, to wit: One silver' lever gold Watch Chain, one gold Seal, one gold Key total valuation, And very complete la all its departments, ebra-pvising altogether the finest and most extensive assortment, of mercantile eoods ever ofiered in Mia assist claimant in ninnm adrantage to thoseeBD REHABLEciil 4G A I ST st Applications aolfcitrd, newed, and Losses Paid at ttu- THE LIFE PILLS pmzjsiJL BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, And tliuV remove alldlsease from'the system, Prepan-d and sold bv DR. WILLIAM MQFFAT, g35 Broad corpejrrf Anthony street, New ok (defendants.

Tim AotanAiunts are herebv required to an this market. These" roods were' purchased at,l A'ith- 27,25. A. II. HALE, By J.

A. Hickey, Dep. Sheriff. swer or demur on or before tne tnaayoi reu.u- first hands of importers and manufacturers at ex- I it Jarvl861 oriudgment will be taken against them tlraw from the Unions with costs of action. tremely low prices, ana win oe boiu hcuoiuiuij Sheriff's Office, Topeka.

K. 1 LIJO UIUIUUV seperate Confederao.

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