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The Leavenworth Tribune from Leavenworth, Kansas • 1

The Leavenworth Tribune from Leavenworth, Kansas • 1

Leavenworth, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

euuemoortl), ftaufas, tfrettag, Den 14. gebutar 1908 o. 1 286 FOR A BETTER AND GREATER LEAVENWORTH. tucldjc Doraii5fid)tIid) in ber fomuicit-ben ffantpagne lebfjaft cfrodjen ivcrbcn biivfteit, finb bcibe partctcn tfoatfad)Iid) cuter SJfeinmig. 33ie 2Bor te, nicfd)c in bcit beiben Splatformen tuerbeit, iccrbeit vof)l ber fdjicben fcin, fic tocrben abet fidjer Gompngue eiugcuoutntcit fjat.

28ir obpouirten bent 2Bcd)fef sur gegen-tuiirtiocn Sett fjauptfadjfid) bcSmcgen, mcif luir gfmtutcit, baf bie S3el)aitb lima, lucldje 2JJatjor Gbcrfjarbt) 311-tfjeif murbe, cine itugcrcdjte mar. Ter 05cueralaumaft beS Striates I)cii jiuet 9Jiaf berfudjt ifju feine3 Jfintco The voters of Leavenworth have declared themselves with great majority in favor of a Commission Government to start April next. Consequently Leavenworth is going to be the first city in the state that is going to try this form of government and we hope crftcd)cu hJoHte." Seitcu ber fid) bom Stromc treibcu 3 laffcn, cincr gran getbft morbcit. d. egner bicfer 93itt Famen corge unt bann beftcnfattS aU hjiffenfofe 3od)cirta au dounctBnillc, cr 28.

i)oft, rafibent ber 9Jattonaf OJIicberubbe nadjaefdjrebbt 3U toec- 3ciljlt etnen gaff, roctdjer fefjr gut auf SSial unb bottle SKanufacturcrS Unb toaS Uutrbcn bie Tclcgat-m ba ajorf)crgef)cube pafjt. (Sr fagt: foctatiou," 3U SBorte. fir fagte, bie im STonbent fagen? SBenn bod) Tr. eter Saruct), id) bin 3r)ncrt Don ifjm bcrtrcteue Snbitftrie Bcftljc ctnmat ber rabifafe SfioofebeltiSmu fd)ulbig: sd) babe Satire Gigentrjum bon 30 aWifftortcn Tottari5 fein nutfj, hwrinn bcuu nid)t greti) lang rjr iWittet, ben JlfpcttFrautcr, unb befdjiiftige 45,000 Ticfe felbft? Tlan luittert, bafj aU cbenfo m'ertbJoS, uie alte anbercu, Snbuftrie luiirbe burd) Giufiifjruitg i ber prafibent eincn brifianteu Coub fertig rjergeftcflteu aicbi3incn betead) ber s4rot)ibition fo gut lute bcruidjtet btanc. luirb trjm bie tet.

iWcine gebrandjte tf)it fun merben. SJeprafcntaitt uliu ilattJlbfidjt 3itgcfd)ricbcn, bafj cr, mcna unb luieber unb, luie fie bon Galiforuicu fbrad) 311 Gntnfteu ber fo gcejen ben 1. Smu mit grofjartigem Grfolgc," aber id) ber unb SSeiitfjanbtcr in bcreit fet, fid) 3 ticrtagen, unb bai fjielt nur fiir bie auuc cincr grau. ben SSer. Staatcn.

fir fdiabte ba-j, i'tblidje Somite bet ifim crfdictnc, ttnt'Tiefe rs'nfir tuurbc idi fedi-3 IKodieit bcitfclben ebanfen 311m 3fubrud briitQcn. vsit ben tariffanFcn mag 311 enrijebeu uno em x.crfahre:t that the change will be for the best fid) eiit STontraft ergeben; Juie grofj cr interests of the city. The Greater Leavenworth Club has manifested, what is attainable through energy and united effort. It has gained a decided victory. Now it has become aber fein luirb, tft fd)iner 311 fagen.

Tie bemoFratifdje artci Juirb uicl leidjt mcljr Sfeitbentitgcn int Xartf bcrlangcn, aB bie republifanifdjc; ob fid) abcr ait ber Jyragc cine 3ffuc" madjeu liiBt, blcibt ab3iiloarten. So Gigentbum bicfer Ccutc auf $100, the duty of the Greater Leavenworth Club to propose five men, who enjoy the unlimited confidence of the citizens and we are convinced of the fact that fdjioebt gegenmartig nod) tit ben ridjtcn. 2iMr maren iter Wufidjt, baf bic flid)t ctitcS jcbcu SJiirgcrS bicfer Stabt 311m SfJfanor 311 fjof-teit, unb ben 311, bafj mir bcrcn StnvS in 23c 311a mtf unfere Stabt nidjt biffigcit mtb baf mir feine Ginmifdjuug in bie foFafeit 5fffiircn uuferer Stabt im'mfdjcn. Tic HJldjxzdfyl ber Stimm-acbec luar aber anberer Jfufidjt. Ta bee SBiffc ber SWajoritat Oefctj ift, fo if jebt ciueS Scbeit flidjt, ber 2Jiajoritat 311 fjclfcu ifjre ilIaue biird)3itfiif)ren 3itm Soften unferer Stabt these men can be elected without op position by the political parties.

1 lie i()m fofd)e gebitfjrcub mit3utf)eilcn, rang burd) fdjrccftidjc Sd)iner3cn im bie StuFiiubiflimg geben lucrbc, cr au'S firauFeubctt gefcffelt. roitnfd)e bem Stonrjrcfo nodj eine 93 ot-' Gin 9fr3t madjtc mir rcgclmafjtga fdjaft 3itfommcit 311 laffcn unb bann S3cfud)e, aber Sinberuug Fonnte cr tnerbc Uom SBeifjcn aufe ein Gjtra mir Feine berfdjaffen. Ta mad)te fid) ftcttertoerf IogcIaffen icerben ein tncine attiu mcine bilffofe Sage gc-briffant iHitniinirte Siinbcnregifter, luifferntafjcn 311 9hi3C unb itberrebete luorin atteS, lua ber STongref untcr mid), ben JflbeuFrautcr 311 berfttdjcit, faffen, in flantmcnbcu SIoc-Fetu an'5 unb id) muf it)iteu efjr(id) unb offeit fireii3 oeuageit mirb. Unb bann geftcfjen, baf jrjt cifmittcl mid) SfoofcbcIt'S domination in Gfjicago bottftiinbig Furirte. Tiefev gefdjat) am 17.

Suni, bei ber 3rceiten 2fbftint-' bor fed)3 aifouatcn. d) babe jefet bfeibt ntd)t al bie sicmlidj Flare Jfjatfadje, baf bie crfbnIid)Feit ber beiben bie 2SaI)I cntfdtjct-ben irirb." So boggart, nnb man ntufj if)in 3iigcftcf)cit, bafj cr gar nid)t fo tueit lion ber Sikljrljcit ift. cber, ber fid) in ben Ictcu SWonatcit bie 33cr fjaltniffe aiifmerFfam unb unbcfaitgcn betradjtct, mufj lntgcfafjr 311 bcnifcl bcit Sd)fuf3 gcFommen fein. Tie 23or te unb TcmoFrat'' (ie3cid)neii rocitttgeu Fcincn 000,000. ift ber Wifjbraud), ntd)t ber Gebrattdj bon etranfen, ber fdiabct.

Tie Teutfdjen finb f)eute ba fortfd)rittIid)fte 23oIF ber 3SeIt unb fie trinFen 93icr fo3itfagcit bon ber SSicge auf," fd)Iofj ber 9cbuer feine (f beftcf)t Fein gnieifcl, bafj bie embereit3ler fjeute eine fdjlimme 9JicbcrIage bor bent STomitc erlittcn. bie gumente ber 9iaffcn" auf riiuben ber SScrnuuft unb cfce beruben, fudjeu bie 3empcren3rcr bie $cr3cn ber iToiuitemitgneber burd) Scnti-incntalitatcn 311 rufjren. liiuug, nad)bcm bie crfte cine tuctte tuirffid) Sbre 9.iiebi3iu fdjabcu gc Unt June foff rtcFiiitttoft iucrben? 3erfblitterung ber Stimmcit ge3etgt. Club will be held responsible for the success or failure of the commission government and for that reason alone it ought to have free scope. Men like O.

P. Lambert, Omer Aber-nathy, Sam Wilson, M. L. Hacker, Albert Doege, F. C.

Schulte, Otto Hesse, F. W. Snyder, Otto Wulfekuhlcr and others, would make excellent commissioners. The "Tribune" has no reason to regret the stand it has taken during the campaign. The main reason why we opposed the change- at the present time was, we thought Mayor Everhardy was being treated unfairly.

The attorney-general of the state tried twice to suspend him from office and one case is still pending. We were of the opinion, that it was every citizens duty to stand by the mayor, thereby showing the state authorities that we do not approve of the course they have followed in regard to this city and that their interference Tic riifibcutfdjtift'jt'aiiiUagiic ftebt iVrt)t3itotcKeit Itntcrfdjieb mcfjr. Unb Ta ntbgen irugcfbinnftc fein, tucldje bie 3fngft ber aufgercgteu Pbantafie borfbicgclt. Sfdcr ba ift luaS bie rcrut." Sorui'C' 5fpcnFraitter f)at biefe Siuciffcr, lucfdje FranF nnb im (ifeitb mareit, fiir fid) gemonneu nub 311 grcunbeu gemadjt. Sic finb bic at tf)itfiaftifdjfteu cfi'trmorter beS Witt tef'3 gemorbeu.

fis? ift cine it bur ber Xf)in ober niefnter ift fd)on0 mMtc man fid) benn fragcu: SSa-fraftifi im Wauge, unb bie RiU)rccjrum uuter biefen Itmftanbeit iiber ber beiben grofjen arteieit I)nlteit rjaut cine flomiJOflitc mit all' tljrcm Sfiiofdjou nad) ciiicin unb(2arm, iftrcr ltnrtte unb Hit-itad) cincr sffue," nad) eiuer mf f0fteu fitbren? Cine SBaH stoifdjeu lifauer fjcute fitrd)tcn. Senator fleau bon 9iclu Serfci) luefdjc feften (iuttaufdjitng briugt. Sie arbiuat 0ibbon fagte gofgcnbcS i'tber bie robibitionfragc: bin iiber3cugt, bafj tbatfiidjlidj un nioglid) ift, rof)ibitiou in irgcub cincnt grofjeren cmciniuefcit rairf fain burd)3itfiif)rcu, nub ba befte aiJittcf, mirFlidjc 9JitifigFeit 311 cr.yc- fenbeit mcldjc mit outer '3iWt STOamicru, bie tin Ckiiubc biefel 3fii5fid)t benuljt merben Foitntc, ticit Vriiuiptcu ticrtcctcu, erfdjeint af-3 bas 2olf aiis femer Xfetfiargie 311 nUna ober sum aI3 loecfeu. Tenn bie yetfjargte ift ber fcltfnm unb itbcrfliiffig. (B lin- fen, ift nub bfeibt, bie Qafyl ber Wivtty in local affairs is not desired.

The ma iiefaOrlidjftc geinb bc3 olitifcrS nnb tcrliegt Feineiu Bineifel mcfir, bnjj uu jority of the voters however held dif fdjaftcit auf ben tOatfadjfidjctt 2'ebarf 311 bcfdjraiifcu unb cine entfprcdjenbe Si3Cit'3 311 er()ebcu. Tie 3isirtf)e. bes politid)en roplieten. ie h)ii-(fcrc arteioerf)artniffc im cgriffc fen mofil, baf bie lethargic twl)an-jj5, fid, 3 ncrfd)ieben, unb baf bie ferent opinions. As the will of the majority is law, it is now everybody duty to help the majority to carry out their nlans for the best of our oen it; aber im Uebrigcit i)t fie cine lucfdje bie Giefebc iibertretcn, uainent fid) fofdjc, bie Spefuufeit unb pofi- reidjtc im ffongref cine 93 iff cin, ift uiifbe in ifjrer StfirFimg, aber mefdje bie Tnrdjfiifjrung ber fiinc fidjer iu bctreff ifjrer 9iefnftate nub be-3 0cncrafpoftmciftcr Wetjcr be eutbiift nur bao, nuvj bem Suftciu 3iuerft.

Tic aiiafjrcgef berfiigt cine gut tfjut. 9ebuftioit be-3 ortov auf Sdjoit bor buubcrt mar cr Hon 10 auf 12 iSU. per Pfunb nub Fein (ryperiineut jncrjr, unb bie eine Steigcruiig ber 0eioid)t3greit3c fjat feine guteit SiMrFuugeu nodj meiter bou 4 auf 11 Spfuub. Tiefcr iHff qc- erprobt. taufenbeu bon gamilieit miifj foffeit sacFete 311 ben fofbat cr fid) ben "fafe afs gcubeit rcifen beforbert merben: cine crobcrt, felbft biv auf bie uierte unb U113C 1 (Sent; iiber cine U113C uubjfiiufte Oieueratioit ficrab, 1111b feine uidjt nieftr aU brci llujeu 2 ik'fiebtbeit miidjft nod) tiigfidj.

Hut 3luifd)cn brci unb Pier Uitjcit 3 fid) bou feincit Oiefunbbeit bringeubcii 3u)ifd)eu Pier unb 5 ltn3eu 4 Si'rtifteit 311 iiber3cugcu, follte man 3)nifd)en 0 unb Illicit 5 (ientv; eine robcFifte beftcUen, folic, fid) 3mifd)cu fedj nub ad)t ltii3cn 0 (It3; Ufgent iu ber adjbarfdjaft befinbet. 3iuifd)cu adjt 1111b 3liniff Illicit 9 Cite-; (ir ift Feine Wcbiiu, 3luifd)en 12 unb eiueut foiiberu mirb bent ubiifiim bireft city. The local correspondent of the Kan ttfd)c Saftcrf)bf)feu betrcibcu, fofften ftrenge beftraft mcrbeu. 2yieber SSodjcuntnbfdjnu. sas City Star reports in his paper that bofuugofatfe miirbe id) ifjueit bie 2i- the election contest was a struggle nc-tween business men, taxpayers and wage-earners on one side and politicians niilicfcinnte Tai t)eift, man fa it 11 uie fagen, bet luefdjer sartci fie gerabc nut ftiirffteu cutmirfelt unb bi'3 inch-hem Mrobe.

fn ein pci cFeiibes Sdjfagioort 311 banncn ift. tsiit ift fdjliefjlid), immer 3it finbeu, fogar eiit guter Aiaitbibat, menu man nitr ben ilfen t)at; aber bie values madjeu ben arteifciteni in biefeiu abrc crljeblidje 3cuo cnt3tel)eu. Vauobiitntteii, bie abfofut Feine Syirtbfdjaftcu iiniu I a b. Tie. U011 ben Sentpcrcifcru mi Cebeu gerufene Agitation fiir bie Cftit- and saloonkeepers on the oilier.

Tliij fd)en, fofltc man Socal Cption ein- is a intentional misrepresentation of conditions. There were well meaning fii)ntng ber prohibition in tierfd)ie and patriotic citizens on both sides, ant the remarks of Mr. Middle arc highly beneu Staateu nub ifjrc eucrgtfdjcu Ik'rfudje, fid) and) ben Siougrcf fiir (H'it, nnb fie luiirben tuobl ein niib unfair and improper, appearantly in 12 GcntS. gutc'3 'Ore bienftbar 311 madjeu, hal Sumiudjeit fiir ein 3iigeftelft. Wau fdjrcibe an Tr.

'e-ter Aabruet) Sono 1121 IS So. Gbicago, oil. (ended to sow discord, in order to be able to fish in troubled waters. biefe Arage in ben iuirbergrnub bec I a it b. 2d)lagUiort 3al)(en.

lnober uel)ineu unb nidjt ftcfj he will be disappointed, for all those sutereffe-o geriid't nnb je(3t fdjou 311 who have the interest of the city at Jageofrageu fiifjrcn. 'profiibitioibogefelje lucrben fidjerlid) iininer unb immer berfebt merben. Tie 9Jibgfid)feit, bafj ber gegcu-luiirtige fid) mit ber fioit uufercv otitarifo bcfaffe.t luerbe, fdjeiut giiii3lid) gefdjiuunbei; 311 fein. Stfeuigfteiiv tnirb priifibeut Dtoofcbelt fid) uidjt bie iWiifjc iua d)cu, bem mit eiuer Spe 3ialbotfdjaft iiber biefen 05egcnftaub auf3umarteu. Ta3 ift in fur3cu il'orten ba'S SJicfuine ber fcljr borfiify iaufeitbe con ortngiefen, rcidi nub arm, uiebrig unb bod), fud)tcn fon Tie brin3ibieKeit ltiitcrfdjicbe, 1 cincr ber lueldje Uoniml-o bie rcbublif'auifdje1 geiuadit.

heart will now, after the question has been decided, join forces for a better Samftag Ijielt ba-o Sub 3)inrFtbcridjt. TiO. 1 SSeijen ((V nnb bie beniofratifdje suirtei trcniiv! foiuite be fiir Wefetsge and greater Leavenworth. bung luieber ein offeutlidjeS 2erl)or ab, nut bie Slrguiucutc ber ik'fitrtuor 9io. 2 ieii prairie $cu $0 $10 Stimotf)!) eu $9 $10 ftiir cin licficrc nub nrifcrc X'cn urniuortli.

ter refp. ber Weguer jener tin SJou am Soitittag 3tritt 311 erlaugeit 311 ber Statfjebrafe, mo bie Veidjeit bev ermorbcteu Siouig? nub Slronpriit3en mtfgcbaljrt liegcn. Ten gulden ag iiber ffutete eine Wenfdjeuiueiige burd) bie Wtiumc ber unb af-3 Co biiufef nntrbe, ftaubeu nodj immer iVicnfdjcu branfjen, bie Giufaf begedr-ten nnb febr cnttiiufdjt linireu, als- ten, finb faft giiuglid) luir nidjt in unfcrciit cigeiien 3hiate ba Sdjaufpief gebabt, baf ber republifanifd)c Weneralauunilt mit mat)reiu Aeuereifer bie Staateu n'd)te cicgeitiiber ber 4Mtitbc'ogciuaIt iH'rtreten bat, unb bat fid) biefeo gref eingereidjteu ilMfli aiijuOorcn, laut meldieu c3 feruerbin berboten iiiatme Stonr 5Dc 57c iGier 20c Tie Stiiiuugeber yciuicnnu-irtljs linden fid) uiit grofjer illJnioritiit ba fein foil, Spirituofeu nad) ciiteut srj IjibitioiiC'ftaat 311 feiiben, nub biefer fiir erffart, baf bie Stabt luni Vlprit Gutter 2oc oiiuge 2 fb. u. iintcr.

12c vdutgc $iif)uer, 2 "fb. 11. iiber an non oilier Jviiufer Moiiiiniffion $3.25 $4.50 hti iilitfi ihiieii crflarte. lie 1111111 rieic Prrmattet merben foil, yeatiemuortl) mirb fontit bie crfle Stabt im Striate 2d)aufpiel uid)t and) anbermiirt bad 9ied)t babeu folt, biefe iSaarc.t uielfad) luieberbolt? 2a-3 bie feiuer Wreii3C 3U befdjlaguabnieii blifauer in ben lehteu abreu an unb 311 bcruiditeu. 9ieb.

S. ixid)of (cfetseu gefdjaffeu, bafiir baben biet fon argmueiitirte im iliarueu ber JU Teiuofrnteii ben Mrebit ber llrbeber- tiSaloou league" 311 Wiiuften biefer fdjaft in iHitiprud) geiioinuieu, unb "iMlto. ben (fiimmnb bc niifere-o riifibcuteu crtremfle gor mite orfiOcnben, baf if)iu alte biefe beriiiigcn babeu fie alo geftobfeneu bill's unfoiiftitutionelt erfd)ciueu, bciuoFratifdjeu Tonner be3eid)iiet. sJo meil fie in bie 3mifd)cnftaatlid)cn a- 33urfcn $2.50 $3.75 9iinbcr $3.25 $4,50 fiube $1.50 $3.50 balder $4.00 $5.50 Sdjmetnc $4.00 $4.10 Sdjafe $5.00 $iil)itcr 8c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. tig rebigirten vXeufjeruugeu bed pra fibenten in (irtuiberuug auf bie ibiu bor ciiiigeu 3ageu borgetrageneu itufdjc ber 9Jeprafeutautcit ber U'l'a uufactitrerij' Jfffociation, ber iMef) 3iid)tcr i'ercinigung, ber Wrange unb be-o iiciu i'oarb of Jrabc, tuefdje bic ik'ibiilfe be riifibenteu 3itr Hiffirung cincr 2arifFoiuiuif fiott'3 i'ift nad)fnd)ten.

(is mar bie uaiulidje Tefcgation, meldje tag-3 311 bor im Mapitaf mar, mit Spredjer CSannon nub fcincn afabiueu ein "pom SiUnu ab()icft unb mit berbo-genen, cingebriidten, ggii3fid) rampo-ittrtcn mieber ab3U3ief)en b. f). in bem ber 9ioofebcft nidjt befonber? gemogen ift, ift man nad) cifrigent Stabium feiuer jiingftcn i'otfdjaft ten ant Wontnfj liiiebcrFouiiuen. 9Jiou taguadjinittag nut 2 Ufjr merben bie Stirgc nefdjfoffeit 1111b nad) bent "I-hiu tfjeou traitvportiert lucrben, mo bie eifebniirtSfeierlidjFeiteit ftattfinben merben. Jyaft alfe 'i'efndjer, mefdje ciitcu fctjtcu iUid auf ben toteu fdjer unb fcincn Sol)ii marfeu, maren iu Iraner geffeibet unb bradjten iUuiuciifpeubeii mit fid).

Tie Seidjeu miirbeu non Jrubpcn bemadjt. alfeu Siirdjen murben 9Jicffcu fiir bie Joten acfefeu. of fiieUcn berfautet, bafj bie be-3 iui: gen tVtnnucf crft in 3luci bv foll ba alfo nod) ciu priii3ipieller belvgefebe eingrcifeu, meintc ber terfdjicb berfoiuiueu, unb mie man fottte lucnigfteiiv man Teniofraten unb 9iepublifanereiue biefer s-lilt3 anucbiuen, fiber bie in ber niidiften aiieiiian-Monftitulioualitat Fonnte ja fpiitcr ba ber Fen non? (is? luirb fdjliefjlid) entfdjcibcii. Ta STATE OF KANSAS, Leavenworth County, ss. In the matter of the estate of Lawrence Schindling, deceased.

In the Probate Court in and for said County. Notice ishercby given that letters of niibere-5 iibrig bfeiben aH bat Xragei Fain ber aber fdjou on. 2i.lir Hon nrteifnbpfeu obligatorifd) 311 fiben I)icr uidjt," rief ber uiadieu. -9iid)tcr v-cntino, uiu giiu Administration have been granted to the Wait horc, loa3 ber iuirfibeubc be-S ftig ciii3uberid)teu, bie um im 3or- feiu, in loeldjer biefe Vt'rt ber 8tnbt bcrmaltitng bcrfmbt merben mirb, nub mir fjoffcu, baf; bie Jlcnberiiug 311m iU'ften ber Stabt an-ofaKeit tniige. Ter Wrcater ycabcitmortf) lilub Ijat ge3eigt, ma bnrd) Gitcrgie uus PereiuteS 3.5orgcbcu erreidjt merben Faint, (f bat einen cntfdjeibeubeii Sicg errungen.

v.itst licgt bent Wrca ter Gfnb bie flidjt, oh fiinf Wanner bonufdjlagcu, bie ba unbegreu3tc crtraucn ber burner, frfjaft gctiiefjeu nnb mir finb iificr 3tflt, baf biefe obne Cpbofition ber pofiiifdjen sartricii gemiiljlt merben fiiiincu. iWan mirb ben GI11P fiir ben Grfolg ober ben Wifnfola. ber ft 0 nun iff ion -3 MJeaicruiiii tierantumrt lid) fatten unb fdioit an-s biofcin (vininbe foltte man ilnn freie laffcn. mie C. Lambert, Cmer Sam SSilfon, k.W.

dcr, Gilbert Toene, (. Sdjulte. Clio oeffe, (S. Ctto Sulfefublcr n. luiirbcn aiiviie 3eidmete Moiiiinifiiirc madjeit.

Tie Tribi'mc" bebanert il)ren Stiinbinnift itidit, ben fie in ber 3it ber llebcr3Ciigung gefaugt, baf brei Sl'iOltateil, llltb Piclfcidjt and) ll ie-, undersigned on the estate of Lawrence llMlS ftattfillbeil mirb, ba ber jllltge Schindling, late of said County, de-flerridjer feillC Aliening fo pntlt 'as by the Honorable, Uie Probate 1 I jiiii-f 4- Ilia I Miniir itil 1 Wirn. Court of the County and State afore iViuoFratifdjen ii at i 0 it a I 0 in i tc biefer an-5 alo crfdjeinen. lage hoi eiueut 2k'fud)e in (ibicago (ie ift unfere i'flidjt, bie paffirung man bicfev ToFniuent aU ben tc fo lute moglid) eiufciteii mill, ge ginu ber Sioofebeft ftaiupognc fiir said, dated the 31st day of January, A. D. 1908.

Now, all persons having claims against the said Estate are here- rnbe mic Wnftoti ber 5. bon Sdjme-beit, lncrd)er fid) and) uidjt froncii bie 'prafibcutfdjaftv iiominatiou 3:1 bctrad)teu babe. aft mcrbc burd) biefe elcntcutarcn fjrafen 9tad) belt icCigcn JflUcidjCll notified that they must present the 1 ..11 lagte: od) Faun md)t ciiiicncn, foldjcr (wiebe tnunlidnt 311 bcrmct nieinte Ifioina-3 I aggart, ,,100 ben. 2xMr miinfdjen uiiv auf ben Horn ben I'fatfornicn ber beiben "ar-, ben ber befiebenbeu Wcfebe ftellen nnb teien irgeub ciu luefentlidier Unter- luir fofften besbalb bre Wcfiifjlsbii' fdiieb IjcrFoinmeit foil, miner bielleidit feleien, mit beneu Sic uiiv 311 iibcr-in ber TarifpfauFe. iia-5 bie Aragen fdmnitcn fudjcit, gar nidjt angeboren.

betrifft, lneldie gegculniirtig bie od) bin felbft in i'robibitionfiaatct fief, same 10 me ior mirb in within one vear from the date of said briidje in bcit gebriingt. (fr fci bicf 311 ntafjboff, nief 311 cbr lid) abmiigenb, unt bet fofdjen Sdjan- illiifjc fjcrrfdjen, bann iebod) ftcbt 311 crmartcu, baf; bic 9icpnbfifaner ifjrc liitigFcit crncnerit nub midjtige Gnt mirfefunacu bernufbefdjmbren merben. ftcfluugen mitmadjeit 311 Fonncn, uno cr ben iWciftcr int iiierffaniFeit bes befdjiiftigen, TgeliH'feii unb babe mit eigcncit to ift Feine berfelben cine 'arteifrage. gefeben, luie biefe Wefebe uiugaugeit Letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such Estate; and that 'f such claims be not exhibited within three years after the date of said Letters, thev shall be forever barred. ADOLPII C.

SCIIINDLINC, Executor of the estate of Lawrence Schindling, deceased. First Published February 7, 1908. e(iiglid) ber MontroHe ber (iifeiiba)I)nerbou. d) babe bort cincn SPJann iibertrnmPfcn, menu cr nidit fortgefdjlucmmt mcrbcu molfc. (fsi lien, ocr Jiiegiiliruug ocr -trim, oer augetrorfeu, oer in cmer cm StMc, cine rnw nind)t.

Wand) fd)micrinc'3 'robfent ift fdjon burd) beu Xact unb ba i'l'banblung ber cbctbud) bielt unb in ber anberen bliebc ibm mir iibrig, gottcrgeben bie in bcit Sdjoof 311 fegcit unb I lien nnb licrttnuibter a'Jeffer, mit bem cr cinen gcinb.

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