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Der Kansas Courier from McPherson, Kansas • 4

Der Kansas Courier from McPherson, Kansas • 4

McPherson, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I 1 i Programme of the Marion County Teachers Association, to be he'd at Peabody, October 1, 1892. llnfere Vyarmer finb jclit fleifiifl mit ftiiflen uub aeu bc5 2l3 i it -tcviucuenS befdjaftiftt. Sroti bcr tuirb bicfes 3br ein fl.bfiire-i -Kreal mit 3v-ei3eu bcftcllt, ol3 tflslioro ctietbcprctfe. tocidjer 52 fjarlcr 50 Corn, tueijjeS 30 (Srofjc 2JolfsJBcvfamm(ttG Stm grcitog, ben 7. Cftobcr, titer in litlsboro cine grofie 5SolfSDcr; fannuluitg bei ber Don Topefa 11111 Stbcnba eine 9tebc tjalieu iuirb.

3fberutana ift ettt ftelabeu, nut biefeit auSaycidjuetcti 9ebner 311 tjoreu. cl tii 3 Stujtrag be3 (ventral Gomite. Spoilt cttuaS 9icuc3 (itiuasi, bus nod; nidjt gcfcfyrn foabt? I5ttua3, bo.3 rofcarticj iff? (Jttvas, ba3 id) bcjnl)lt, ju bctradjten? mitBt Jfjr ju vooclcsd adet gclicn, mo Jljr tneljr unb fceffere 2taareu fcfjen roerbet, wie tie SOJaiidjct won ehid) nod) nie oorljer a.efcbeii bat, uub bie VVK bieiuir tutrf) gebcn roerben, luerDen jold)c itin, roie $Jjr fie jjetue eken wevbet. Ja, ftreunb ftar ratr ober iejdjaft'jmann, hut Tit and) iinmer feiit tnaajt, Tu benfft uitllcidjt TicieS l)i; n'li iuir tinnier, aber bie finb bod) uicl)t jo, roie fie Ibtjerc lxeit bofommru toir bod) nidit a.

bic fount fjr Ijabcn, iuir iuir flcbiMt 'breife, bie jutriffcetifieueu. bub ludvo rS nidjt fo, roie fouimt c3 baiui, bap iiuier cjdjdft uou ,511 br mitb? Cber roarum fonimen ja Jaufenbc 0011 Jeutcii uon titit unb bvcit, urn iljre fPaatcn bci Voueleo-j eV, CSarfet fautrnV Unb nu-r einmal lommt, ber fomuit im nier. Ta6 ift fin enieiS, bap Stiles iual)c ift, ma nur ift ganj uoll con 2luu'tgen, Jfoncv unb onbeve JUtibcn.tug, Jiattuu unb tiOerbattpt tt3 111 bifiein uovfoinmt, "biUigficu bis jinn cUcvbcfien in cnblofer nnbet man l)ier Mco. eom 2llle3, roaS in bicfem repartemeut Borfomnit, ift bei uii3 ju CFaipet 0011 15c.

bi'3 82.00 pec iib, uub cielcS tyvattctts nut) JlitricvsUclPCiMiclK uon btm fleinfteu Jcinb bis 311 bet grofjteit Tame in Jtaufa-5, ju alien 'p'reifeu uub Morten. 225 aar Ccfjnfie muffen in ben nfiftfit paar JSodicn ocrfanft luerbeu. 125 aar fetue ftiauenfdjube im Stfertfye uon $4.40 fur $3.00 per 'liaar u. f. ro.

btefe roaljr unb fauft lure bitlig. 4'ringt tfure AMtbner, liier, Gutter, U-pjcl u. f. iuir gcbeu iSmi) bie bodjften llfarftpreiie bafiir. iiiSic fouiieu nidjt liigen.

A adet ift ber tint biQia 511 faufen. LOVELESS SACKET, illarton, lias. Morning Session. Call to order at 10 a. m.

Music by Peabody choir. Paper, "IIow to teach FractioBs." R. Kieler. Discussion, N. F.

leader. lie-citation Nollie Watson. Paper, "Why Tuachers bo often fail in Arithmetic." Maggie Bn-cber. Discussion, led by V. H.

Mott. Micellaneous business considered. Music by Asseciation. Recess. Afteenoon Session.

Music by Peabody Instrumental Quintette. Talk, "Contagious and Infectious Diseases "Dr. Furst Gen eral discussion by Association. Paper, "How to study Psvcho-ogy." Prof. J.

C. Gibney. Discussion by Prof. Do-Lay and Supt. Van Jstraud.

Mrs. Pauline Roush. "Classic. Literature in Common Schools." B. C.

Hastings ieueral discussion. Papor, "What is the matter with pelliag?" W. D. McBurney. Discission, led by Lnla Hunt.

Tnstmuienntal music. Lilly Ran- I. General Topics: Columbian Day; V'orld's Fair; Reading Circle. County papets will confer a favor copying above programme. Time is short for preparation, but he Committee respectfully request 11 to report fully prepared to render arts as above assigned, on Associa on Day.

Let this first meeting of ie year be a grand success. J. H. Smith, Dwigbt Potter, May Collier, Committee, Rljians Tabules relieve nausea. Scfjct unb ftaunct! fur Oerttft 11 ub SSinter.

rtd) eige biermit ben gecbrten Tnntctt yon utib llmgegenb ergebenit in, ban td) foeben etne grope Juiciual)l fd)Bi tton unb bciteu tiler rt, 3Si'Jic it. f. tu. fiir Jvrttuen, i'aibdjen uub ftiuber erhalten babe uub jroar in eincr Wiite unb Gualitdt, mie man biefeiku iu Coniiti) uie ninor acfcbcu bat. iicitcfte I'lobc.

Turd) biefe (finfdufe bin id) in ben 3toub gcfet.t, altc ftiiitbcn in jebcr iieife sufrtcbcii ftellcn, 11110 rocr einmal bei mir gctauft fjot, tuiro ftdjcrlid) lutebcrfommett. 3d) hitt gcfoinuieit, inn 311 Olcitcn, nub luerbc blciben. fuib Allien liieiiicti btvberigen Muubcu fyre djc id) bicrinit mciueii beften lanf au-S unb beffe, baft fie mir and) in ufiinft veil blciben uub otelc iteue Mitii; fdiaft iiiucifeu ircrben. d)licfjlid) Inbe id) ein, mid) tcfudien ur.b SBaaren in fd)ciu ju ncbinen. tfVl.

SoitMc tuSsboro, ftanfa. SantiigfitHicii 31. G. 3StIcor uon umd)t befannt, baf3 cr iBcqueiiilidjfeit fiir Soldie, luclajc faufen obcr ren ten molten, 3 0 1) ll'i titer bic 3(gentitr iiber alle feiue armeit uub L'an bercieu in aJJarion (Sounti) itbertracjen bat uub mogen fid) babcr 3tlle, bie full in lUarien (Sounti) Jyarmen faufen oer reuten luolleu an benfclbcn menbeii. Tic Kaufcr crho' 10 Qal)xe eit unb ift icbe 3at ein ieljutel abjitatj1 len.

33egc. be8 91a ecu lucubc man fid) an cine hatbe iWeile bftlid) uon ehigh. J. J. Entz, m.

d0 V3t itniJ SSunUarjtr 4iill5boro, ftnufac. Gt)rouifd)e ftranfbeitctt mad)e id) 3U 'lieiner Spejialitat. I 4 A 1 iJiiitBtunflcn ftet3 uorratfjig juin Serfauf unb Taufd). Ikftcltitngcn uon Springroagen unb l3uggie-3 tucrbeu gut unb prompt auCge fiitjrt. Meparaturen an alien Ianb rairtbfd)aftlidjcn 9Jlafd)inen unb 3tcfer- gerdtt)cn tuerben ebenfall3 nuf'3 $itnft Iid)fte beforgt.

Um 3al)trcid)e Stuftrage bittet 0. E. Greiser, Fleisch-Laden! toon itIsboro, Tern gccl)iten iibltfum jur 3tnjrige, bafj id) uieiii Jlci'djer in otter bemabrter juib reetter cife fortfiibren ruerbe. cvrifd)c5 unb geraiid)ertes (cifc, foi mie auotjCjcidjiute iiirfte unb 3(Uc, u'ao cine gut gcfiihrtcn oU'ifdylabcn ucrlangt iuirb, ift an JTpanb. Geo.

Hauser, iflstovo. UE KNOWS IT. Two or three dollars for a sK Horse Blanket will save double its cost. Your horse will eat less to keep warm and be worth fifty dollars more. miii ii 1 Irbncn.

bie 2iMutcrnaare bei mir afen. roerbe fo iK-rfaiifeir. afi cin Oeber nirb faufen tcniicn. So.nmt jn W.H, Carpenter Dfcdjtiitnninlt, (gcgcutudrtia doitntrj 2tnmatt) Clarion, Slanfa iuupncblt fid) bem beiitfdjcit ublifum uon I'lariou (5oitntu itnb Umgegeni) al3 2ln malt in alien unb giebt bie JKerfidjertiiig, bap er alle ibm iibcrtrageiieu Sliigelegenhciteii auf ba3 5iad)briidlid)fte uertreten iuirb. Send For.

Illustrated Dkscbiptivb CIBCVLAB TO Union Type Foundry, 337 Dearborn St. Chicago, Illinois. 1 i pftcf)U bent juv (Srntc unb 2 J) gutc getvoefnetc Wcfutcn, oliforniidje mill Xiirftfcf)c flaumcit, Poriniljcn, 5cpfel, fctjr frtjoHcu (Scrftc uub 2f)ct, fiaifec, Sutfcr, tlk), Ssji'ttp (Simcrn uufc bet Grofjc 3Cuxiotiljl in 2tctu, 3rbeu, WIa3, olj itub Sjlcrfjiaanrcn, filbcrplattirtc sJJlciicr, (5abcln, Soffcl nub flctoofjultrijc billioc SiJoarcn, 9)JafdjtncnCcI, Strtcfc, ron brci IltuIIen, ttn rtlrtf uub tuclc nnberc siUtikl tacltfje getuonf id) etnem (5rcccrtcgcfcljat Bevfaiift wcrbcu. 1 3 it i 1 1 i ft 11 n. gsj 3 utter uub (ficv unb anbne garmpvobufte incvbcit fiir laavcit cingc; jaufdjt unb ju ben SDtavf tpi fifcn bcredjuct.

fialtc cttfinfe, u. f. to. finb ftet5 ju Ijalcn. 11m bit tet 6 SI i i iinleivil second-class mail matter in tbc Ht HilUboro, Kansas.

ivrntai, ben 30. September lSi)'-2. Tab'jles relievo headache. fciliig bet ijlvt. fs'.

S-dmifjler evljidt ironing eiue Vabuiig bie mute uon Sooefec-3 aefet an anoercr Stelle. Tarib St'trfd) pminrrt jctjt in fei iter d)iuiebe tiidjtig brauf lo. 5-riebr. iinerflarbt erl)'ult btefev Sage cine flrotfeSlnjahl Mod)' uub eijbren. (Sin eines TOabdjen id 3- $ifl ift biefer Inge etfvanft.

flavor I)t Dietrich iUroninjuiit 3tiaficnilouuniffdr cruannt, an Stelie uon Jyviefcn. tucldiev relignivte. Tfxi. Souitc yiicfel Ijat fid) fiir ifjr ut'r acfdidft ctnen l)iilfd)cn 03lai-frfvftut aw gefdjafft. SBci Pj.

Slijlcr launteit bicfe fliojic Quaiititdten bcr fcinfieu ovjeUati5 unb ffiliiiMimciteit an. 3ei I'icM ift cin f(eiue-3 Sbdjtev d)cn augelangt Tic SNcubtferuug uon uiinuit langfaut fiber fuhcr jn. 3aftor "oIacf befanb fid) iiber onn-tag in nuf ir ift i'contag luiefeer uadi Jpaufe getcift. sT i 15 (Suits per s-8oy, SD(ct-eberu 5 (icntv pee 2ajjcnb in (i-ntj'S Ipothcfe. 23.

oott bcr 9cciton 2JiI ling unb (Jleuotor (So. ineint, bafj cin fdjiuercr 9fcgen inncrfjalb bcr fid; ft en jiuct 2.i3od;cu jiuei i'iillionen "iiken in jvaitfaS ruiuiren luiirbe. bie 23et)anbluug bcS aare ju eiiicui Zl)cUi bev iSrjtchttng won tauten gemad)t miivbc, tuiirbe man fo uicle groue Afopfe unb ber (ebraud; uon Jnaiv 3ceneiuer tuftre uunotljig. 9lQf3ler S3roo. (jaben jejjt bctt Pon ijerrn fiuter netigcbauten Store be jogeu unb tjaten bnriu feiuereit fertigen Xtfeiber tmb fouftige SSaareu untergebradjt.

unb boppclte fd)irrc ju ben nllcvuiebrigftcu icifcu bet 3 it ache. USergefjt es tuiib fid; bei 311 taufcu. ie Scutid)cn uon gloreiice unb Umgegetib luctbeit tjierntit baranf meiffam gcniadit, bnj) fie robcmntt merit bc-i ftaitfci Gonrirr" bei $errit fitter a a cf, bent tuotbefannteu (Srocertjittamt in giorcucc, crtjnttcn touncn. SQcatt hole fid) cine Shimmer. 3ot)it ber befannfe d)micb 0011 Station, mar Sountag (jicr bei toiuitl) auf Man hiinaii toar fdjou mcljrerc Inge bet ihier Xod)r tcr, $rau Smit(), aitfGefudt unb fuljr Sonutag Vlbcub mil tfjrcm lUannc nad; SelbftuciftdnDlid) ocigafj cr ben (9ouricr" nidjt.

befiyt eiuen no ii ft I i punier. mit iJiicfenfdjiit-ten fcinem llnfere jungen itMtt-uicu unb idbdjcn fomic altc iingfcni folltcu bao nidjt ooriibcrgcljcii laf-feit, dljite uiitcrbie Jjiaube ju fninntcii fu; bciiu btcs ift bic ciujige 03elegcul)cit, lueldje fie md()rcnb ber nier fjabcu. inmcv ibr 3Jid bcl, uub mtr lttdjt jnghaft. d) uertetjte mir ben 3iicfeu, fd)vcibt Jj)err (IarleS 3- c6fq), Snrocufc, uub mar im tanbe ju liegeit, in ii.lod)cn tin fifcen. 3licb3 mid; baticrub.

2(m Samftag, bcu 1. Oftober, ftnbct im (Sentral tyaxt 311 iUfarion cine grofje Serfamiiiluii.j unb 23asfct picnic ber Scoplcst artn ftatt. (Sol. Hi. JfarrtS, (iongrefjCSanbibat atlargi, lapt, JTiart uon (Sntcrprife, tcr S.

Sj. 3lllcu, CSaubibat fiir Ober ridjter uub (S. (5. G'oote uon IVarioit roerbeit Diebeit (jalteu. SJtufif uon bcr Milieu loiuufljip 33aub.

beginnt ba5 ber 3Metiteu (Join Kipur, and; Sab; batij bcr genaunt) biefetn iage fid; bcr gldubige rat-lit alter Spcife, fclbft etn Irunf liJaffer tuirb genomntcit. Ta5 Saftcn begtnnt am Slbcnb Deo 9. unb enbet am 2ibenb beo 10. (Samftag, bcu Ofto; bcr). Sie 3bee, bie bcr lag bcr $cr-fol)iuiug bem 3'ivaeliten ueraufchaHlidjt, ift: '5er Israelite bebarf feincs 33crs inittlcrS jiuifdjeu fid; unb feincm ottc; tuic cin trrcnbeo ftiub fid) miebcr feiuen (Slteni naht unb tint 'Bcrjeitjung bittct, fo mag and) ber srnclit fid; birctt fei nent fetue iinben bcfcnucit uub Sfieffer ung an; gclobcu.

53eitn bein Jfjjaar grau tuirb, fo ge-braudje jene giftigen 5i3ci3en, bie feiu Scbcu ucrborreu uub uicle jti'aiiFrjet-ten an bcr ifvmsSJigor iff unb ftcllt bie naturlidje jarbc bes aavcS micber bcr, ruft ncitcS unb giebt bem Sjaaxt ben lanj unb bic bcr uqcnb miebcr. 311 Sfciutou tyurbe Ctt. SJcoore ton eiuer angtrmafebine etfafjt unb jd)limm jugerichtct. (Sr toar nuf bem sJad)haufenjeg begriffen, unb nl3 er bas (V'cleiie freuieu luollic, urrfperrte cin Srachtjug ben 18cg. Gr blieb ftc.

ijen, urn benug Porbcisulaffcit, ala Don ber entgegeugefctcu Seite cine Man herniifaiu uub tlju nfafjte. iie 3JJafd)itte rourbe fofort aiigetjalten, bod) luar ber leuber bcrcitS uber tjiuiDcggegaugcit. (Sr tuurbe fofort l)er rjorgejogett unb tind) 2)r. SJoblcr'3 Office gebradit. Sein rcdjter Strut, jnnidjen djuttcr unb Ibogen, pjar bite jugerid)tet uub ber Sluochcit jir-ffjitttcrt, bcr ttnfe Sinn tuar eben-fnQS unb bcr gmtje ftovper toar lion beccft.

SJfait glnnbt, baf3 eiue 'imputation be VIriu-3 bei ber Schulter feiu nni benl'innn jit retlen. T.tx Attaint mirb troy fei-uer fd)tuercti eileuungcii luiebcr auj fo 111 men. Sfrophclu lino alle Shtcit Jh-(tufl)cttcn tucrbeu bind; 2tntcit-buug uon Slycr'fj Sarfapartlla rnfd; ucrj ttiebcit. S) d) a a fj t. Gafto 9Jtajd)iueii-0cl, 4 allnnen fit 1 ,1.00 tueld)e fon)ttuo 50 (lento btc liiuUonc foftct, tn eittj'g V(potl)efc.

fektcn Srcifcn Don ben Florence itnb tut tuna, a en $al)x. 2ilie iuir aus eiuein 'lriuatbricfe er feijen, fmo in bem Xorfe Xnifpili, laub 2(1' a a 11 3 bed 2hicfe 18 erfoneit an ber (ibclera neftorben. 2Bir roerbeu bie Jur.ucn bcrielbtit tit nfidjftcr )i untitle ueioffcutlidien. yiiifjfer'e Ijnbeit luiebcr ctrcn 9h'ue. Xiejuin! ift c3 eiue (Sievtifle.

3fter fiir Si 5.00 ajaneeii bd fauft, erljalt eine iold)e Miftc 311m GUfdienf. ie iftifteit ftuD feljr Ijiibfch nrcrbcttct unb tucrth-DoU. Tcr tlidtjriiie So I) 11 beo Ceo. 3. SI.

eaai) bei cabobi) fiel uorlelitcit Ton ncrfiaa uon cittent (5ortifdjnciDer gcrabc nor ac' DJieffcr unb wuroe fdjvccflidj su-gcriditet. (Sine Siiuuiititiion bc cinen eiuc-i mar 0 1 1) iu 'uDia, abet e-5 tuar ju uiel fiir ben uub er flnrb fofort nad) 2ollctibiinfj bcr Cperatioit. Mottfr. tvetl, tucldicr im riiljiabr nad) ben Tatotu'; lUauitoba gitig, ift ju riitfflefchrt unb iuirb uou jc't all in iK a 6 ler'-o Store befdntftigt feiu. So geljt e-i.

nad) bcut taltcti Slorbcn aeljt, fel)rt luiebcr nad) Maufa'3 juriid. Us cm foil e3 and) iu jeuen gcfallcn, bcr ein ntal in cinc.u inilSercii Mliiua nclcbt Ijat. CSiti fdjUmnur lychlcr blieb in tinfc-cr leljtcit Shintiiicr fie I) nt. Cs Ijiefj ba yhiiuiuer 51, anftatt 3nl)rgaug 2, SiUinmer 1. icicle Str beit uub llebereiliiitg liefjeu unS bn iiberfeljeii.

Ticjea Ijicrnttt jur Sberd)ti gnug. 3u ber iilugeiadje Pott iltt. Kjerp grfiCii 3L1li'ib (itiorit bat Siidjtcr (Sarle uoitt Xiftriftgcridjt babiu ciitfdjiebcn, bafj mcr ciifial Usury (ungefefolidje, erovb taute uifeu) ge(vil)lt l)at, jpnter biefcibcit nidjt uie)r jurudforbent faun, llnfere former nuigen fid) bas jur Sfo-ti, uc'ouien, benu foinnit nor, baft biefelbin auf bufe 2ieiff oft uber' gcljaueu merbcit. (Shi grcftev 5Sorrr.ll) uou fjnnbgcniad) ten ferbe-lefdjirrcu uub jct fcrtig. ft' out nit uub feljt.

0 billig mie eS uur lniiglid; ift, lu.rbc id) btefelben cr-faufen. 3 0 1) 11 a e. 2Bi" uu3 berid)tct tuiib, borgte fid) 3ohn granj uou Turhaiu Ioiuufi)tp uor eiuigcr Qcit Don ber ilottomuoob SSaOci) 23auf in Ittarton ()0, tuofitr cr 18 rojcttl Qn)c jaljleu folltc. tuaubte fid) baljcr nn bcu (SoiinUpinualt (Sarpculcr 11111 3ali. (laipenter nahiu bie Sadje fofor': i-4 bie 1111D bie 9fote fiir 1 90 unb iibergub biefelbe bent 30b" S'-auj jcglidie SSergLituiig.

(Sar-peiitcr bem Sjjaintc ba-3 ju 8 'ro-jent infeit. Ticfcs (Snr-peittcr uid)? uur ben iSerftattb, fottbern and) ba Ser nuf bem rcdjtcn Tvlcd Ijat. (Sin fofdjcr SJiann follte ttiibebingt iuie ber 3U1U (Sountniniualt criuat)It tuerben. ift (S. s.Ui.

IStarf, ber rcpttblifa-nifdicr (Snttbibat fiir CSonitin Slitmalt? (Slarf ift nitter ben Tjentfdien Don 9.tta-rton (loiint-.) uur mciiig befaitnt unb C5 ift lurnig coi'oauben, baft cr eiuen ebeufo guten unb gciuiffenljaften (Souutt) Vluiualt madjeit iuirb, ioie uitfer gegcuiDfirtiger (So 11 it it) Slnioalt (Sarpeit tcr. SlU lui'ube (Staif bem mel)v fdjabett ai uiitett. (Sr tuiirbe cin Spie'baU in bcu bcr SUhtcfer feiu, obiooljl er perionlid) feiu robtbitionift ift, fo mi'trben bie sJJhider ihu bcuuod) ubUig unter bent Taittuen baben, beuen, tueiut cr;! er feme ju werbnutcit bnbeu tuiirbe. auj ba il CSarpcntcr. (St ldfjt fid) tin fiir ein U.

uormadjen, gcl)t gerare burd), unbefitmmcrt urn bie feiiter tyegiter cber (Sr Ijr.t bent li5e-fcfc Cii'ltHitg dc id; rf ft, tu 0 tinnier angiug cr bat bem (Sountt) burd; feni maftuollea iScrljalteit Tanieube Don XolIar crfpart uub aiiDercrfeit bie 0efe(jeeiibertielef, luo gcuiigcub 53e-tueife uorljaubeii uiiiiad)fid)tlid) uerfolgt. Tie 2Bal)l, fiir men man nls (Sounttjaniualt ftinuneii follte, ift nidjt Idjiucr. 3fber einfid)tuolIe 2)f ami tuirb jebenfan-5 fiir eiue St inline oOgcbett. Jliuitns Tabulea euro flyuepnia. etjicn Samftag Slbeitb faub f)icr eiue ioolfsuerfainmluiig ftatt, bie jicnt lid) gut befucht luar.

Tie Carpenter, (Sanbibat bcr 5Solfpartet fiir (Souutrj-Slntualt; Gan-btbat fiir Stoats Seitat-r, foiuie S. goote, sJiebatteur be5 y)farioit Times" l)ieltcn jiiubeube Slujptacbcn. ScbaDe tunr nur, baft in beutjdjer 9icbner antuejcub tuar, benu tuareu Diele iieute aniuefeitb, ber cnglifd)cn Sprache ttidjt fo iiicidjtig finb, tint cute folcbe 3iebe orbentlid) 311 Dcrftibctt. 5i3eoubertf err 3tne lenditcte ben 9tepublifauerit gfPr'0 l)cnn er' tlarte, tuie biefelben im Xunfcln tappen unb ben SiSalb Dor tauter iUaumett nidjt fetjen fouitcn. err g-oote erfliirtc bie Qkiinbe fei ttt lUbertritte ber republifani jdjett 3iir i5olfpnrtei unb ba Derfdiiebcite s4tnufeit in ber bcr SMic-partei gerabe baffclbe Der laugten, lua bie StcpuOlifancr Dor anftreDteit uub ba fie je(jt be fihoen, blo bci-hilb, tueil es ebeiifatte Don ber iSotfSpnrtei uetlangt tuirb.

Tie SytlSon TotunihiLi Komct SHnnb tuar benfalls aniuefeitb unb fiillte bie luifdjciipaufen burd; anSgcjetsfjnete l'f ufif auS. giir eiue tdublidje sJJiufif fapelle tuareu bie niiSgcjcidjuete iiei-ftuiigctt. Tiefe ftapclle fann fich ntaudjcr grojiftdbttfeheu getroft an tie Seite ftellcn. 3ebcnfatI-3 fteht fie uuter tiid) tigeu icitnng. Tiefe ftnpelk tuirb oiid; ant Samflag, bcu 1.

Ottobcr, im Central s4Jnrf 311 Attarioit fpieleu. Tieieuigen, lueldje licber cine bcut 9Jebe prett, ant 7. Dftober bnljier cine foldje ooit eiuen bcr beften bcutjdjcn 3icbiter tut Staate 311 l)urcii. (ytne oliicf lirfjc 6amMualion ber ftdrfftcn unb tfjiitigften frobufte be grtiieu ift bcr Wrttub, iucol)ci I Pr. i'urce's Favorito Pre hci'ipiicm fo uorjiiglul; use alien anberen fngeii ami ten jraiieu-Sifiifungriuiitcln tin laifte ucrlangt tuiio.

2crlniigc ftet'o baS 2jefte! rpeiimcutiie nict in it iuertl)loft it tuciin bic iiiclt feiu anbercij beffercs aucrt'ennt, nlS bas origiiicllc, ucrlafjltdje uub alleitti garantirte Jpeilniittel jttr 2Bic ijcrljerftctlung ber eincr lei bcnbeit uub cutfiaftetcu rnit. CSS foftct fich nidjt ale mie cnucift. Std)te nuf bie nrantie nuf bem i a i a a( papier (Souuerte, Tafcln, Sdytcfcrtafclii. ges bcrn, Tintc it. f.

biUigcrnls foufttuo gclIscS 28 afer 20 9toggcit 35 2te bciitfrfjeH (rficbluNfjcn in Itcutiiffn. 2 tit cf i 1 1 licgt 124 fficilen Don outSDifle, birect I ait oer illiatii iintie bcr iiouiSDUle nub 9(aitiuitle Cifeubnf)n, tit eincr fctjr ott-niuttjigcn, unb gefiitibcit (Megettb. iik'3itgtid) biefer Culonie, bie erft in Stugriff riCiiouinicn tuorbett ift, gilt Sttle-3, luaS iuir iiber bie ftolonieu atntoDcr" unb 9it)eintaub" gciagt I) a bctt. Tie gute improueb gennen nod) jv eincut biltigen Jreii iu bcr ftotouie ieindeuitle" ju t)abd finb, fu biirfle felbigc gar batb cittci grofen von beatfdjcu garmcri; 311 CSS fei befoubcrS t)ercorget)o-ben, baft cS in biefen ftolonieu feiu tuilbe Xtjiere cber giftige u. bgt.

giebt, tuetjt abcr 3" fjO bicte, ba afen, 9tebt)ut)uer it Wfiitfe, Cuttn, Tanbeii, OpoffuiuS f. tu. satjlrcid) Dorfjaubt; finb. Stud) bie Sjogetiuett ift feijr reu: unb in Crcmptarcu ucrtiete: CS fcieu bier ermdljut: TieSpottbrc? fcl, (anicritauifd)e 9ind)tigaflett), fto! -brt'3, Slarbcittilc, S-iotljDogct, iilauiu gel, Sped)tc, it. f.

iu. Sl'er feinc fertige garniett mit ()a-tS, Staltitngen, (veu3eu it. f. tu. fait fen tuift, faun fi l) and) cultiutrteS Caul obcr and) SSJatblnub faufcit unb fid) bi.

(Sebaubc, ba tjicr atleS SJaitmateria! fefjr billig ift, fetber fjeiftdlcit. fiub cbcnfaf(4 fctji billig. TaS ofj foftct bent Stuficblei gat unb Steiufoljtcn futnt er bit Tonne Don 2000 ju 2 J- ToHarS faufen. 23ringt cr bic nbgeljaiteneu 23aitnie in bie naljc Sagemii()te, fo jal)It cr cut iucber4i TotlarS fiir 1000 SJrctter ju fd)ucibcn, obcr aber cr itber'afjt bctn Sfigenniiititenbcfiprr bie ber aue feiucut gefd)niitcncn 53rettcr uub Ijat biittu niujtS fiir baS Sdjueibcn 311 jatjfeit. 23er Sjrcttcr tjabett tuitt, er 1000 giifj befter Cualttat jit 9 TolIarS.

City Council Ilillsboro, Sep. 20, 1892. The Council met in regular session at 8 p. m. Mayor J.

F. Hey presiding. Present CouncilmenPaddock and Ebel. As there being no quorum Connc Paddock moved that the Council adjourn to next Friday, Sept. 3.

John J. Kizlek, City Clerk. September 23. Council met in adjourned session. President of the Council Corby in the chair.

Mayor Hey absent. Present Connc. Cc-rby, Paddock, Ebel and Huenergardt. Minutes of the meetings on Sept 6th and 20th approved. The following accounts were allowed and ordered to be paid.

No. 47, John Penske 15 00 48, John Patzk.f-d;i 3 13 40, Geo. P. Roth 0 00 50, H. H.

Frieseu 5 2 51, Ii. Friesen 8 25 52, Adam Huenergardt 8t 53, Adam Huenergardt 3 35 54, John Penske 0 00 6P, J. F. Hey, SautaFeRy 2 34 57, G. L.

Elliott 58, Owen Lvelace 50, A Keller GO, Jacob Reimor Gl, lohn Patxkofski 1 12 50 03 2 50 8 44 The action of the Mayor in i sxi iag an order for freight on sewe in the amount of 3.58 was rati tie-1 by the Council. Account of W. S. Dickey, Clav Mfg. No.

52, SI 0.50, was referred to the Finance committee. The reports of the Clerk and Trea surer were referred to the Finance committee. Resignation of H. Friesen as street commissioner was accepted. On motion the Council adjourned till Saturday, September 24th, at 7:30 p.

m. J. J. Kizler, City Clerk September 24th, 1902. Council met in adjourned session.

Mayor J. F. Hey in the chair. Present Coune. Paddock, Corby, ad Huenergardt.

Minutes of the session on Sept. 23rd read, and on motion amended so as to show that the minutes of the meetings on September Oth and 20th were approved. Approved as amended. The matter of cutting weeds on the streets and alleys was discussed au3 the street committeo instructed to have the iveeds cut as speedy as possible. A notice of the State Board of Health to the Mayors and Boards of Health in cities was spread before thy Counc'l.

The Mayor appointed Dietrich Brown street commissioner, and the Council confirmed the apjointmant. Account oi John Patzkofski, No. 02, 13.00, was allowed and ordered to bo paid. On motion the council adjourned. John J.

Kizler, City Clerk. 3ftl)vplan bev V'ltrfjifott, 2opcfa nub Santa 5c 3 ii ucrlnffeit afiacjierutg, loeftlid) gcljettb, 4:23 9)d)tu nffagicrjitg, bftlid) gcbenb, 9:04 25rm atfan freight, mcftlid) gcljcitb 10:15 Urnt Stocf (5'rprefs, fittlid) ecljenb 2:55 sJd)iu Siig ilnffeu t' f) affaaierjug, mcftlid) gchcitb 4:37 9Jd)in affagier.uig, oftltd) gebenb 8:45 2km jrcigbb iu eft I id) gcljcitb 11:45 S'riu Stoi (rrprcft, bftlid) flcl)cnb 2:27 1'idjm I JOHN J. Cigars, To acco. Tcr 2Bcin all i'atiflcn Xobtcr. Tocntt Tr.

SlloiS irf iu SiMctt tjnt SJerjuche mit Slniffer nub 311 gtei djeti gemifd)t, mit 'Kaffer nt-Icm unb mit Sikhi nltein, it tit 311 beftitn mut, tuetd)eu (iinftufj bieie g-tiiffiafii-tctt nuf Xt)pt)iiS unb (Sl)otera23acineu tiabeu luiiibett. Sdjon nad) 15 biS 30 TOtuuten bemerfte er, bnfj niroeibiiun-ter SL'citt unb im Si3affer unb SB ein ju Ttjeiteu cine ouffaltetibc ber $a)l ber llebertebeiiben ftaltfanb. sJfad) 24 Stnnbeu fantc.t gar feiue St 1 it uou Ti)pl)iiSbaciiten 3itr (Sntroidtiiitg. Tie tl)olernbaciUcit ergeben fid) uiel fdjHctler. Stttnu founte fdjott nnd) 10 btS 15 SL'tiiiuteu feiue lebetibcu eiitbcdcii.

3ut Stufcbdif; tjierau tuodjten tuir bo rnnf nufnierffaui utacheii, baft bie S8ctu gcgeuben iu (-uropa fret dou ber fiitD. Tic SBafferprobeit tuicfen ftctS ntaf-fentjafte ottiett nuf. 11 ben ro-bcit tuitrbeit tuctfjc uub rotlje ifii cine uer tunnbt. 3ebcnfart ift cS augeitcl)tner, SBaffei uub 23eiu 31.1 triufeu, nlS ba Staffer at tein crft 311 uub banu fait roer ben 311 laffeit. Staffer Ijat ci faben 03cfl)inad.

2anbt)ctt faun nidjt gcl)cilt loerbett bind; locale Slpplicationen, tueil fie ben franfcit Xbeil bes Ot)rc erreicben fonuen. (Ss gicbt nur eiuen eg, bic Taubfjctt ju.funren, unb bcr ift bind; Donftutionctlc Jpctlntittel. Xnubf)cit tuiib bind; eiuen entjiinbetcu itftanb ber Stuotlcibting ber iuftad)ifd)eu Siotjre btefe 9iot)re fid) l)nbt cinen rutnpclubcn Ton obcr iinooUfoininencS unb lucntt fie ganj ift, crfolgt unb tuenu bic (Sntiubiiug gct)obcn uub btefe miebcr iu il)rcu gel)origcn tiftanbe oerfet tuciben faint, lutrb bas fiir imincr jerftott tucrbeu; ncuii galle uuter 3 el; 11 fiub bind) ilatarrl; luJdier aUi ciu ent.n'inbtter ber Cbcr fl fid) en ift. 5lliv luotlen einl)iinbert XoflarS fiir feben (burd) Dentrfad)ten) gatl Don gcben, ben mil utd)t bind; (Siunehnicu uon ten fonuen. i'afjt (Sud; umfonnft (Sirciu hire foinmeit.

g. 3. (S bene i) 0., Totcbo, O. 2ierfniift uon Slpotl)cfern, 75 (S. liipans Tabuhs: see advert iseniont.

5lus cljiglj. Ter befte beulfdte StitSrufer in Tla rtou (Souuit) ift ohuc metfet 3 a 0 0 ft a 1 1 it in Vehigh, ft nnS. sJJfau tuciibe fid) an unb Dcrfud)c cS einmal, tuei'ii titan ctiunS nuunifeti Ijat. tuirb mit ihin fidicrlid; 311 frteben feiit. (S3 iuirb in bcibcu Sprad)ctt, uub beutfd), niiSgeruicn.

Solj Ctfo rottjc eiiipfing, cute Cartabung Sal unb etnpfiel)lt baffclbe 311 bcu bit ligfleu tUeifen. Stud) etijielt berfelbc einigc fti)4cit unb Der Don ber beruhintcn SSJeftcrtt Jyoob Stocf Conipanl). Sehr 311 eutpfelilen fiir bie jejjt ctugetretetie )iihiierfranf licit. rciS fiir eine SO or 25 Ccnte. giir Cier luerbcn bie t)bd)fteit Jrcife bc3at)It.

O. rotl)c, t'ctju f), ft aS. Scl)igl), ben 1. Sept. 3d) erfuche alle ntciite Sdjulbuer nuf'S freunblid)fte, bi-5 unt 15-Septcmber tuoge bod) ein 3bcr bei mir feiue Uiecbiiung quittireit, brim id) 1) a cbeufalls mtitocu 311 l)C3al)leu uub luerbc fetjr gc brdugt.

S(djtiinguoll r. 3- d) r. Summons by Publication. In Justice Court before John J. Kizleh, of Kisluy Township, Marion County, Kansas.

S. 1j. riainiilT, vs. Southern I'ine Lu.Mr.Eit Company, a juirtnershij) coinnosed of T. li.

Jj. Tfeinple wiul IJeiijainin WJiitaker, doing business at Texai kana Del'enilaiits. NOTICE To the above named defendants. You are hereby notified that the abore named plaintiff did on the 10th day of September, 18i)2, commenced a suit against yon before the above named Justice of the Peace to recover against you upon contract the sum of eighty-six dollars and eighty-live cents on account of service in the saleot lumber and building material in accordance with thti contract entered into by you and the plaintiff a copy of which contract is on tile with the plaintiffs bill of particulars in said cause before said Justice. That at the time of the commencement of said cause he plaintiff obtained from said Justice an order of attachment and garnishment against you, and that the sum of two hundred and fourteen dollars ($1 1.00) has been attached lv garnishment in the hands of John at the City of ilillsboro in said Township and County; that 1W the purpose of serving you with this notice said cause was on the 11th day of continued said Justice to the 21st day October, 1.S02, at the hour of a.

at which time, day and hour said cause will be heard before said Justice at his office in the City of Ilillsboro, in said Township, County and when yon are notified to appearand defend or judgment will be tendered against you for said sum of together with cost of this proceeding, and an order will be issued directing the appropriation according to law of the said sum of $214.00, or enough thereof to satisfy said plaintiffs claim and the costs aforesaid. Attest, John J. Ki.i.kk, Justice of the Peace. Tour Through Texas. On August 30, September, 27, and October 25, Larvest excursions 711U be run via Santa Fe Route to Gainsville, Ft.

Worth, Dallas, Hou ston, Galveston, and other Texas Points. Tjg Rate will be low one fare for round trip. Through Pullman sleepers anil free chair cars. Only lino toTxas through the beautiful Oklahoma country. Ask local agent A.

T. a. F. R. R.

for more facts. GROCERIES, Qcl) tuadje fjiertnit ba3 utiltfunt auf meiH roccrtc unb totiifion65cftfj8ft ltntcr ufirfjerung freunbliier unb rceller SQebtcnung unb ebcr toivb uollftitbig jufrtcben geftfCtt. SJlctnc 5jJrcifc 3Ulc haltrtt jammer -(Gctntnhe find irci mlv Unt vcit jatjlveidjcit SJrfucI) tittct frcttublicft 3. Dycf. RGUL HEi -bet- 3Tv Gas or Gasoline G.

A. SIEKER. ENGINE DYCK. launch Pop, Lemonadi Hoplea, Cider. pntJ mcMg 13 3 has nidt roftct bent bitnucn 3 led) fabrtjfvtc.

2itdj CHEMICAL New York City. jebcS Stiidt liingfr nf3 nd)t Don meiten3 alle IK a a )t if fiu Jpeabft-j. ud) let bent Untcrjcidjnctcu. G. A.

Sieker. Makes no smell or dirt. For Simplicity it Boats the "World. No Batteries or Electric Spark to care for. Just light the Burner, turn the Wheel, and it runs all day.

No double or false Explosions, frequent 'with the unreliable spark. It runs "with a cheaper prado of Gasoline tban any otber ilugine. niffdje von J. F. RIEGLE, (I'iadjfclsicr mm 91.

ra-3 rcidibaltiafte Paacr alter 3(rtifel. U'Cb'oe i.i ciuer erftcr Stf.fic ocj fiiljrt R'ciben, fiub l)ier ju finben, iidmlid) patent icbtjincn unb aumittcd, mm 41 REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER BOWELS, AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. ipans Tabulea contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitution. Pleasant to take, safe, effectual.

Give immediate relief. Sold by druggists. A trial Lottie sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents. Address urften, amine, artumcnen una 2otlcltcuSetffn, unb IllUfdj, las nnb 0 THE RIPANS 10 Spruce Street, (vi avDfic Stasiofliji jn gcDtcgcncn rcifcn, nub uon anberett (cgenftdnbett. 1 a.

lveiOCll icoev giu unu vromvi augefuqii. r. Ji i I bat feinc Cffice in biefer 3lpotf)efe. tu (Snfe'S 1 MJiounbribfic 3Kfti)(cn. i.

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