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Vorwärts from Hillsboro, Kansas • 6

Vorwärts from Hillsboro, Kansas • 6

Hillsboro, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Sdttoort, bra 4, 3i, 1920. 6.25 50.00! (. Wcgwr. iDJjurbribgj 10.00 5.00 1 .00 Wanfav Sf. unb aCitmte Cartel.

Cfla. rvriebcnstal burdj Xnmpa, dans. si laffcn, iDfounbribg? o- 5. Gno, Canton, rtans. i'ctcr llnrub, Wcmton, Mans.

A ran autnctn, (iattton, 35.0 e. 371.2f i.OO mcri tiwrr nxibrcnb bcr bei iWuttcr unb reunbeu in (fouutt) auf UU'fud). lie iteiiett Slit, ficblcr fortcn fid) fdjon flcifjig cinrid ten. Wur immcr mutig unb getroft! faint bieies and) 0(5 'ctorcit biettcn; fo tnie oreuub Oi. Si.

Wiebrcdjt crmabnt. Urn unb Cbitor nidjt flatti iu ermiiben, fd)Iie-fjc id) mit biefmu unb tocrblcibe, 0 r. bigcr ricfen, bann wurbe bie 2eidic nad) bcr engltfdjert iiVirdje gefabrcn, mo cin cnglifdjer i'rebiger torebigtc. Xcr betitfdie ibor fang fdjone Weber, latin murbe bic Xieidjc nad) bent bet.t-fdicu riebbof uefabren, mo ixrieferr nod) ant Wrabe cin Wot-tre la uub betete. ct (Sbor fang nod) cin toaar fdjone I'ieber.

ut i'luf-rraj in omilie, a I e. liberal, 2. iWai, 1920. ift gebeten ju fopiercn. Wcfamnteft, burd) i.

J. Gbigcr. i'ubcrfon, Webr. 122.i9 Alolleftc bci SJafe Gbartcs. burd) SBf.

4'5fe, .20 (i'barles, Va. 2. 2. bei barlcc- burd) 49.50 0.00 ofe, Xfofe GfiarlcS. Ufa.

Utigcnaunt, unb Wartcii toott airtoitni), maditeit etlidjc ifefudjc Ijier bei il'ou fjicr futjrcit fic nadj tfullsboro. 2antc i'dcro, bic cine eitlaua. bei ibrer 'Sdjincfter, ilattte Miiljn, tocriucil-U lufibrenb iljrcr Aranfbcit fuljr Irci-tan luiebcr auritif nad) i'oriflen Tienstaa, tuurbc ciu laiuusfcft flefciert in bcr Coffnuufl5' an Mirdjc, nu'Idje ben brci rebincrn, Met). 'JJbraljuiu SKablaff, SReto. etcr Wanting unb Wet), 'etcr daft, ba fic bcr Wcmcinbe 40 ijaljre am art flcbieitt (jattcn.

V(b cidjcit ber gab bie Wcmetnbc Sfajjlnff fine Jyorb Seban, Wco. rvfaniinn ciu set Wobel unb JJIcd. Cvibcbrcrfit cin Wcfdjcuf in sar. iim ift nod) immcr leibenb unb befiubet fid) nod) in 1111 sii bcr Hebron Aiirdie tuurbc bentc abenb ein ttuififalifdjcji roflranim ge-liefert im ntereffe bcr Siffioit, uo-fiir etnc ilottcftc nefjobetr tourbe, njel die fiir bic (juniierlcibcnbeii tinber in liurotoa beftintnit tuurbc. lie Sioflef-te bi'trua kinalje $140.00.

Ifrorr. i'ctbel OJi'. burd) VI. Wcufclb, Wrat), Cfla. 137.00 o.

3ratt3, ricttta, Ofla. 50.00 (Sin Amiub, burd) '(. Wc gier, Wcmton, 16.00 vsuntatt VWiffiono-Csugeubocrein, burd) VI. 23. iens, pitman 5.21 C.

Jhremlin, Cfla. 5.00 Cuirrnngcn bcr Wicn, bie iu bcr ftaffe bfS (Snwr, (jtriiar belief Committee of tbe of Wortb ilme-rica, cingefoiumen. nuitticrt Vom 20. STprit bio 25. SWat, 1920, citrr) Sperling, 3uman, akn crbaltctt fiir bic ttotleibcubcn itinber in S'JittcI (ruropa: Albr.

unb V(g. pitman 25..00 Jriir crhaltcn: Womciube, burd) ST. Keintcr, 152.29 Ungcnaunt, burd) SI. 2J. fRei- mer, dans.

50.W iiir Sibiricn unb Stiffen irt 2 fannc, Sd)ttei3: ipctcr St. Sana6ft), 23eatber- forb, Cfla. lO.Ot 23cr cin foldics dirti aufnimmt in nteincm Women, bcr nintmt mi4 auf," SMattt). 18, 5. Cbcr: w28 ibr gctan babt cincm untcr biefen mcinctt gcringftcn 23riibcrn, ba tyibt ibr tuir getau." SWattb.

25, 40. Tas domitec bat an iljrcn SScrtte-tcr in SWittcMJuropa, 23r. T. St. $9116.00 gefdjtdt ($2000 burdi bic 93ermittluug toon 23r.

3- SS. 23icns), mic folgt 3U tocrteilen: $3000 fiir etneu 8ug Poller dinber, bie iet fdjon in bcr Sdjtncis sur Scrpfleguna finb; $3000 fiir nod) cinen 3ug DoA untererHiibfter 3tad bar Sd)iuci3 (ungefab'r 650 dinber in eir uem $20(K) mcrt ,,5008 Trafts" in tfterrcidj, unb $1000 mcrt ftoob Trafts" in Tctttfdjlan 311 tocrteilen, bns ftbrigc mo fonft wJ-tig 3tt gebraudicu. ic Wot in ift Went. bar nod) am Stcigctt. nben tuir aK DJeunoniteu tins gciueigert, SSunben fd)lagctt su bclfctr, fo blicfen loir nun banfbar 3tt Wott etttpor, baft unfer Solf bic Welcgcnbcit mabrnimmi unb burdi fcinc Wabeit fid) willig getgt, obn Sdjrober, burd) Vf.

HI. UWartenS, ouubribgc Sflifmt, 2.r. Wm, IS20. Serter (f bitor nnb JL'efer! Scitbcm id) ba Icfeteutfll gcfajrie-licit )I'C, bat i cCj roieber innudjcS fictraflcn. Unfer ruber yol)it bcr cincn flWonnt long fraitf tear unb etlidjc falte Sdjliige crl)iclt, mo-gu nod) I'lingcnentjiiubniig font, ift.

1'itMid) Hoh' fcinent I'cibeu erliift mor ben om 20. b. iW. nut Uhr iicirfj-mittagss. Tcr crr (jot fcin nub bcr Oicuteinbo Webct crfjort unb (jnt i(ju ou bicifj 3eit in bic tftuiflfcit flcru-feit unb i()ii Hon fciucm iiciben be frcit.

Gr (jot gcfprodjeit IP beinabe ben1 listen on ben lefeteu Ta-gen, ba er nod) fyrcdjen fonnie, faflte ec: 3d) flcljc ('rf(b fjeim 311 meiuciit cilaiib." Gr batte fid) fertig gc titndjt, beni 311 begegncn. Gsi ift immcr nod) cin Siatnuf fiir ben SWcnfdjen, bis bet Cbeni oiiSgcbt. So uiirb and) 11118 eintual geben, bis loir erliift unb befrcit finb Hon bicjcnt Grbengetuntntel nnb in bic ctuige ci mat cingebcu fomtcit, loo fcin, iicib 1111b fcin Wefdjrct jnt'()r fein tuirb unb loir auf eluig bnljcim fcin merbeu, bort, mo fcin Simimier nnb fcinc Sorgcn ntcljr fcin tocrben. tficroirb boS 2icb iuoljl jutreffeiib fcin: 28iir. i'd) bnfjeim, ba foniitc id) loobl rafteu, fret bon bcr Wot nnb often 2rnbcr G.

ftinfcl tourbe sicborcn nut 28. Woucmber, 1852, 311 orfa, Satom, ffinfi'lanb, unb ging cin 311c 91nbe ant 20. i'iai, 1920, 311 Sflifou, Slnnfnss. Gr crrcidjte fount cm Sllicr toon Sabrcn, fi M'onaien unb 18 Tagcit, Wr. -ftinfcl mar antet mal, bic crftc (ftjc trat cr ant 22.

Tcjember, 1870, mit SWargaretlja finifmnmi. Ticfe SBcr-binbiing fegnete bcr $err mit ficben Slinbcrn, nou bcncit smci Siinber bent Skater in bic Ginigfeit uorangingen. Wad) bent Tobe feiner crftcn Wattin giug cr abcrnial cine cbelidjc SScrlnu-bnuo cin mit feiner nun iraueruben CJaitiu gcbonic am 22. Wotoeutlicr, 1891. biefcr er-liinbitng fdjenfte ilmen bcr $crr and) fiebcu iiinber, turn bcitcu amci bent HJoicr in bic tflninfeit finb.

Csni Entire 1875 fain illr. $in. Si (cine burd) vsob- Gtaffett, il'Jeabc, 214.00 iljr. uub 9r. $af.

M. 3te(- ting, Slano. 5.fX) 'lluin ednuibt, Tiiboi, bnfo 5.00 xoh. St. Wcgier, Rubier, (to.

10.00 sofob irbcn, Marion, Z. T-. 25.00 2icliert (45rtj, ubfer, (It. 10.00 7i. Bergen, burd) Sic- 00b.

3- Oiiintbcr, Dler, Sf. 20.00 i'Ketanbcrmobl iiofleftc, bci Welcgeubcit bco C'H'SC-ton '(Sollegc bortts 34.00 (fntb, Cfla. 5.00 afob Ariefen, (Tantott, Stans. 10.00 ooljn X. Wooffcn, burd) G.

poplar, Wont. 30.00 Weiditto. bei iWnibofa, burd) (S. 1W. Wooffcn, inibofa, 0.30 T.

Wegicr, U'loniTbribgc, 10.00 Sdjrober, Ganton, S'l. 25.00 i'lbr. ttnb Vfnna peters, Jnntan, Manfao 50.00 2IIeraubtrmol)( burdj rtrid'en, Woffel, dans. 701.82 SBarfentin, Woffct, Ms. 5.00 Gnltoin frinf, WU artcij, WiificI, 2C, Mai, St'crtcr Xic 'fittflftfcicrtaflc finb.

(jinlcr iin. Unfer mcrtcr 1920. mieber iiltcfter 10.00 (ftnige Wotin Un tittleficlb, 2tr.ii. 22. SKat, 1920.

SMcrteiiefcr! sA'oatc bicrmit ciniges toon XcraS mitteilcn. ili'ir batten (jicr gait3 fd)i-tie Stusfidjt auf eine gute Grnte, aber bcr Slipufd) benft unb Wott Icnft. So batten loir im ilfltiri unb Vltoril bcitta-be gar fcinen SWcgcu unb folgcbcffen litt ber rii(jgcfate SBintcriDci3cu 3icm-(id), befonbers auf ben clbcrn, too bas llnfraut '(lucineeb)' mudjerte; abcr toor ciner Sodje fam cin fdjoncr Vanbregcit unb bac Wetreibc bat fid) nnuiberbar rafdj crljolt. Ter SJoggcit bat fdjon toollc Siljrcu. Stud) bcr 2Bci 3en ftc()t iu i'liitc unb ttocnu bcr (Jr trag'niid) nidjt grofj fein tnirb, fo ift cj bod) flan gut.

3ur iJcit mirb feljr aitiumortc gc pflonst unb bic bcrfd)iebcttcn aatcn, luic Jat'3 unb ilaffir, foiuic Subau. 5Bir loobncti bier auf ber Gbcne, (jod) iibcr bent Ulieerc-jftoicgel: etma 3000 unb '(jabcu tttciftcnS reinc Suft uub Sonueufdjeiu, unb toon flranf beit ift bier tocnig 311 borcn. Tcoljalb ift ttidjt toic( Ginfoiunicn fiir cineit Jvreitnb iMfans fdjreibt in Witmmcr 21 bcS toout 21. Uiiir3, bafi cr bie Manpcrfdjbtngcn abid)abcu fantt toom Vlcfer. Too tniirbe bod) cine grofje Xaufd)iutg gcbeu, beun U)ir finb bercitS toicr 3a(jrc (jicr nnb id) babe nod) tntr cine gefeljcn.

Kaffir-font gcbeibt (jicr febr gut. S3orige Csoljr ntaijjtc id) cine 9icife toon (jicr bis in ber 3cit, aU bcr SBeijcu rcif im ftanb, unb id) Ijabc mid) geluunbcrt iibcr fo grofje ftdbcr unb fo fdjouen 2i'ci3cu. piitcr bortcu loir, baf ber tfrtrag 40 SO Unfdjcl uont iHcfer. mar. Stlfo.

$anb off, tofcafc!" t'elafteiibe Unnejiefer, mic $err siMfauJ erunifjnt ift btcr mcuiger a(o iu tnibcrn Staaicn, itibcm luir bier fcinc i'tiidcit fjabc.n, bic wn-i bci bert Oiorb, Rubier, Mans, idjltocuer burd) etcr bitclnatcr, M. 38.15 Uugcitaititt, I'inabeitu, (a(. .100.00 oof. s. Wtaiiicr, ribgema-ter, 2'iib Taf.

25.00 villoboro iWcitn. Weiueinbc, burdi St. m-boro, 325.61 l. S.D. (ooifen.

SWIinibofa. 2.00 10.00 lO.tK) 25.00 25.00 bic gefdjlagcncn SStiubcn beilen i Calif. (. 23ebc(, Canton, i Cs. Sdjntibt, Wemton, Jafob V.

Wiiring, burd) tfhtft. Cnf, SOiounbribgc, (iaus. SSoHcn un baju aufmub cm. A'affct up abcr Wute-5 run uni 10.00 nidjt miibe rocrben; benn su feiner limr nad) Uliinueiota flefa()reii unb fo bat ")ieu. (5.

ret) toon Wemtoit nn-3 cine fdionc Wiiifljtprebiflt (jt'()attcn, bic fidjerlid) Seactt ficbrad)t. ben tuirb. V(ud) batten fair am Wadjmit-tagc nod) cineit fd)5rteti Weflcn, nel-d)cr bent Morn febr aut tut, benu ba3 ift tua? tuir (jaben, ba bcr ffiei" 3cn bier fo febr auSflcblafctt ift. fdjeint bier nid)t uiel AVuc 311 toafficrcit, cS fdjicht Ijitt unb tuieber ciiimal ciu Cuftfdjiff burd) bic Ciiftc. S(ttd) S'odiiciteu finb fotneljr on bcr tniff fic ber tiidjt toerratcn, aufjcr bci T.

fort ant 2. $mti $od)jcit fein, artmo tin and) bic CStjrc 3iitcil toer ben tnirb, flcneiuuiirtig 311 fein. Ter aiKH-rforcnc rautiflam ift Jllcitucr toon Cffaboma. Wuit, id) firatulicrc t'd)on tin Sorano Lfbitor unb alto i'efcr St 0 r. 0,.

2. iH-ibgettoatcr (George WeutuanS 5iIbcr()od)- 3eit(lorteftc, burdj 3.9i. i'lberbectt, Jbatjo fleit merben mir dud) crntcn obte Slufboreu." Wat. 6,9. 2tt.

bnrd) 38. 23iens, 1674.74 X- SI. Samat)fn, SKcatfjcrforb 10.00 Si. C. iiomeit, sJWcabe, dans.

5.00 $et. ifohrenj. tonnbribge, M. 25.00 Dirs. Jaf.

4afeto, Wnu Wat- 12.50 T. vs. i Xrcafurer: "We Picked Up Seven Large Dead oaf. Wiibc, 5.00 Wnft. (iiefou, Uk-ffic Cfla.

5.00 Jof. Sonjcn, M. 5.00 T. otb, (fauton, (ions. 26.28 H.

T. otb, Canton, 2.00 oof. Sdjrobcr, Canton, fi. 2.00 Rats First Morning Using Kat-5nap So writes Mr. B.

L. Carpenter, 5.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 Woodbridge, N. J. "We lost 18 smaH cliicks one night, killed by rats. iiustoiuc, SB.

21. SI. Rttcfen, Corn, Dfla. T. Sjullcr, iJebigl), SIS.

$eiurid), 23uttcrfielb, a'Jimt. 3. Sdjinibt, Wotebo, Cfla. Sdjmibt, burd) 5. Sdnnibt, Wotcbo, Cfla.

Bought some RAT-SNAP and picked up 7 large dead rats next morning 1 i ana in 2 weeKS aian 1 see a single rai. RAT-SNAP is good and sure. Comee in cake reaay tor use. i nrec siit, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by 5.00 1.00 25.00 8.00 5.00 5.00 M).

Rubier, m. G. Cruboff, SlUdjita, (is. et. burd) vobn o.

ricfen, aufen, Webr. 11, Syalbbum, Saof. (larl (iairS. (Sortt. o.

Tt)rf, 2Binfter, SKan 5.00 5,00 1.00 ofliitotoiKc, 23. 3Wai, 1920. Csfar Sdjibt 'Csrtotn G. Sdjmibt RIEGLE'S PHARMACY CORNELSEN HARDWARE CO. StU-rtcr (fbitor unb Scfetl Somntcrfclb, Canton, 15.00 Vou" bier ift 311 bcridjtett, baf totr NfvnCF'OF ADMINISTRA ber Arbeit betiiftigen.

Wodj ciu: tuir babeit bier iu bcr fdjmercn Mricflcit fo ritbig uub frieblid) tielcbt, baf, tueuu lnir uid)t burd) I'cfeu uub AVit-teilungcu erregt morbeu marett, batten mir faitut gemmfjt, baf Mricg mar. TOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. cine eitlaiig toicl Jllcgcnnu'ttcr bat- In the Probate Coutt of Marioa en. Ter ili'cicn, ber fo biinit 011S-a(), bafi fid) faft nidjt loljntc, i()ti S. T.

rcttn prairie Tatoib WiSrfe, CMrtboro, dans. Cs, Itnritl), ficfjigt), dans. Uugeuannt, Woffel, dan. 31. '-Peer, SiJounbribgc, dans.

Oi. Tiirffcn, $iltsboro, SU. County, Kansas. In the matter of the Estate of Abraham B. Gaede, deceased.

5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 cljcn Iaffcnbat fid) febr bcrau-j Notice is hereby eiven that, in pur Sdmlbifirift Wo. 11, burd) 91. Sdjntibt, Xiflboro, SanS. 6.90 Wcgier, Web. 25.00 1.

turtle, 2an. 5.00 oaf. ediartner, Marion, T. 15.00 oobu ff. tcbert, SWt.

Cafe, iWinucfota 10.00 eicr tenner, fHofenfelb. Slam 4.00 Ikm burd) 3. gcmadit unb fan it nod) cine gittc flvbett. $afcr ftcbt and) febr gut. Wt baticn Wott oft gebanft fiir ba rubigc liibdjcn, iai cr iniS tefdiic-ben battc.

i'fud) bic ioitc ift nidjt febr grof. Tic Wiidtte finb mctfteitv rcdit fiibT, ctma 311 Jiibl fiir ba bcr aumWortc. Jcbod) 3Wrs 3of)H Sdjrobcr, 5.00 Herbert Sdjrobcr, tttboro, Sn. 1.00 hit 311 arbeiteit ift 3it naf), fo suance to an order of the sale made on the 20th day of May 1920, in the above entitled cause and court ordering and directing me to do so, I will on Monday the 21st day of June, 1920 at 10 o'clock A. M.

of said day, on the north line of the east Vi of inb etlidjc Jelbcr fctjr tool! llnfraut. 8bia Sdjrobcr, $itfSbato, m. 1.00 rettt) prairie foQeftiert bt ben Jag iibcr gercgnct obtie tufborcti, fo bnfe fcinc batten ttufcre 3Iad)bani lefeteS d)T the east Vt of the west V2 ot ttie north-west of section 3 township bet Welcgcnbcit bcr 23ibel-fonfereit3 533.26 3icmlidi Cinnabmc toon bcr aunt- annulling mar. 20 range 2 6th P. M.

Marion County, Kansas offer for sale at pub tnorte. Diet), -fleinrid) SliMcbc, bcr bier 3)nci auls, vsttntan, flanS. ltngcnauut, SBbitcttxitcr, $3, Ungcnanut, Gbiuoof, UKont. SWcir. burd) ST.

o. (iobfelb, irtboro, Hebron burd) J. 2RrS. Static $icbcrt, Snman, ftS. 1.50 lic sale, and will sell to the highest 190.00 10.00 10.00 110.00 227.00 Unferc uette Wiu" 3111TT 3tcirrigcn odien fiir ba? icid) Wotted gcarbci- and best bidder on the terms herein ts.

V. Wotebo, Cfla. 10.00 after mentioned, the following tracts bcr aummottc ift balb Ungcnaunt, 23albbeim, Sasf. 15.00 ct bot, fubr bentc ab nad) Scffic, Of bal'cn fid) tuebrcre Scclcm of real estate lying and situated the county of Marion and State of Unuenannt. 28inflcr.

Wlan. 15.00 fcl mit feiner nad) Sdncrifa "unb lief fid bet ifon nieber. Jin SaOfc 1878 fnui er Sunt Wlanbcn an ben tferru vcfum unb tnuvbc Doirr. Stnbreasi in vcfu Job tntift. cit Wriinbtiiifl bcr antiftenaenicinbe fjeljortc er iljr an unb mar eiu trench OUicb bcrfclbvn bi'S an fcin tf nbe.

or'eiiicm U'lonat tuurbc er toout dj(an flctroffcit, tuor-auf nod) jmei mcitere IHitfiifle folfltcn. Sciit iH-rlanncit tuar, (jeiniinncfjcn 311m (jinterlafjt fcinc nun 'trancrnbe Waitin, 3c(jn ciucu 2, 'tuber unb eiuc 6d)ivcftcr: i'r. We-pr(J jinfcl unb 2Jaria ScK. SMSflC ber C'xt Miicrnbcn triifteit mit fcincnt Swft bl'r th. lVu8 toon (fllinuioob, unb Wr.

on Dillon, if-finfoit nmrcn bic I'rcbi-tier, bic bic A'cidienrcben (jicitcu bci JCinfel9 '-tirabuio. Tic Mirdje toar fo mit Iri.nicraaiten anaefiiat, bafj faft bie Slftc erfclbeu bor bcr Mirdjc ftankV. nmr and) cin febr fdjoncr Infl I'fflrfibiu. Tic Jraflcr maren r. soljn Jltotocl, r.

p. Sdjmarjfotof, 'i'r. adjciier-maim, r. (9. fioljrct).

ar Stooano, o(jn unb 5. fcanfarbt. Tcr'cfunb()citS3ufiaub in wnferec Uniflcbunfl ift acflcnnHirtig gut. a ift Ijier nod) flcifjifl am cr Slirdjc nnb 4fflir (jatteu lejjfcu 'Samttafl Ijict in ber Umgebuufl unb in iMfon bcr ctoa Sdjaben ocmodt I)nt. Sort, too 0 n.

cine grofje Crlcidjtcrnng, ba toir frit-bcr mit jeber Si'brc nad) Cubbod, ct- Gartens, Rubier, ftan. burd) fcinc Arbeit aufgctuadjt, bent burd) etirn 23al- Turd) SR. Jvaft, Wccblet), CaL: ma 38 SJIeilcn toon f)icr, fatjren cr. Soofcr. Cfla.

24S.51 focrrit 311 folgctt. IWoge bcr Cx'rr ibn meitc'r in feiner Jlrbeit fcflttcn unb gc G. Grcfittan W. Gttn nnb ftinbet 5af. rabcr, burd) 5 ten.

Scnn, bcr un-3 gniibig ift, baben roir bier unfer guteS Sluc-fom- 1 'ten, bafj nod) toielc '5iinbcr gcrettet 23altncr, rcttt) prairie, d. 10.00 3. Widjcrt men. cutc an ta), oa 3uct ucuc 5.00 6.30 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 eabcr abgclaben tnurbcu. SJermut locrbcu.

Iiat ffitebc ihi, bic mir fdjon WottcS Wadjfolger finb, aufgemuntert, crnfier 311 fein. Sbcfjman, Gnib, Ofla. 15.00 Utmenonnt. Gnib. Ofla.

25.00 lid) njcrbcif fie bic nidjt gefanft ba- ben, urn fie fteben 311 laffcn, fonbern SWr. unb SWr. Taniel SHipfcr, 25.00 Kansas to-wit: I. Lots six (6) and seven (7) in block six (6) in Bushman's Addition to the city of Hillsboro. 2.

The east Vi of the east 14 of thr west Vi of the north-west of section three (3) in township twenty (20) range two (2) 6th P. If. The said tracts will be sold, whole or in part, in my discretion, and the terms of the said sale w01 be one-third (ii3) down in cash on the day of sale and the remaining two-thirds () in thirty (30) days after the day of sale at 6 interest from the day of sale till paid. The said sale will be so made for the purpose of realizing funds to pay the debts of the said estate and the expenses of its administration. Dated at Hillsboro, Kansas, thi the 21st day of May.

1920. J. W. Wiens, Administrator. (First published in the Hillsboro Vor-waerts May 28th, 1920.) urn bantit 3U crutett.

Ten Ct. oitni gebctifcn toir l)icr cin onntag-ofdjulfcft 311 fciern. bcu 20. SWai, roirb bei Creaon. 2.00 25.00 Siorgcn, fo bcr Unit, fciern Wrofemama datic "JJosbort, burd) 10.00 T.

C. Gifcen ettfet 9. Soft Pb. G. U.S.

ffiwns T. Cofer W. G. Weimer 23. 23.

Xbicffen J. Si. Jbicffcn iotb TtiJ i'cit (ToruclfenS SdtSruf fein. (3. S.

diitofer. Sllbanto. Or. .50 mir fiugftcit unb 311 SPiotttag Ijaben tuir cin auberaumt. ir 3.00 agcu toon foil 9ltt.

SiHSboro Ticxm. burd) 3.00 crttHtrten bc errtt Wiibe. rufj toon rufer fein. i re r. ST.

5. dobfelb, illsboro. 164.09 Werbarb SSiebc. Soljrr Gpp. 23bitematcr.

an. 30.00 15.00 2.00 2.00 Ungcnanut, Jnman, ftanl. 15.00 or Weciwr. 23aco. Gal.

25.00 30. SKai, 1920. 50.00 ffierter $. J. Sriefcn.

Xbomoi, Ofla. G. W. $icbert, burd) St. 27 T.

Sdimibt unfer murbe geborcir in Sitb-ntflanb 'im Torfc Witdcnait anno 1869, ben 19. 9ai. Weftorbcu anno Ta toon bier fcltcn ctmav in beincn Gartens, ftanS. 5.00 2Thr. St.

5. Sdtrag, Sttounb- ribge, danl. $. dlcin, 2Rt. Safe, IKtnn.

Stttdft), 2)ionnbribge Spaltcn 3tt Iefen ift, fo modjte id) bie 10.00 15.00 50.00 1920, ben 13. Jai. Slit gemorben Spatten fiillen bclfen. letter Seit Csobit Canton, an 10.00 jfcittr. tenner, airtoicw, Cf.

10.00 50 abrc. 11 donate unb 24 Soge baben mir of tcr 8 Wcgcn belommen. W. W. Sdmibt, Morion, S.

T. 20.00 W. drofer, 23catberforb, Cf. 8.00 hicld)c8 fdjon anfangt ehiKt-3 3tt bctn Sluno KS91, bra 14. amtar, trat cr in ben Gr fam mit feincn tsofjn.urb SWaria Sartet 23.

Sfdietter. freeman. Sjwrta Oman), 21. Wat. 1920, 2Bit Ijobcii jctjt inunbcrfdjonc men bci Vflanjcn bc Xtaffirforn unb aPicabe.

danfas 25.00 C. Rrans. Canton, dans. 20.00 Gltertt im 1874 nad) Slmcrifa bcrgleidien, bod) fur bcreit-3 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT State of Kansas, Marion County, ss. In the matter of the Estate of Charles H.

Scheiper, a feeble minded person of Marion County, Kansas. Notice is hereby given, that on the day of May, A. 1920, the undersigned was, by the Probate Court of Marion County, Kansas, duly appointed and qualified as Guardian of Charles H. Scheiper, a feeble minded person, of Marion County, Kansas. All parties interested "will take notice and govern themselves accordingly.

(25) J. J. Entz, Guardian. SSettcr nnb nHc ftcbt im fdjonftcn unb 30a nad) SJiinnefota. $tn abre pflanjtc ift ber gut.

G-J ftcbt iv T. Tirfs, Tlounbribge, 1876 303 cr nad) danfa-3, toon danfa-3 allcS fdjon griin, ganj anbcrS aU let; danfas 5.00 ritn unb in porter rndit, bafj ci tie fiuft ift. Seinrtd) Sdjmibt toon Sa 2cga-5 3Kr. C. ST.

Weber. Tlounbribge 5.00 V. T. Tirf, TOounbribge 5,00 3ogcu mir nad) Cflabotua, mo mir jefct nod) mofjnett. dtttber murben tbm gcborett elf: fcdj-5 dnaben unb fiinf I'Jabitctt, toon benen tfjm cin dinb in Weto SPi'csifo, kfudjtcn Srcunbc unb 1 3.

Sdirag. SKounbribqc 20.00 S. Tar. 23.00 SJ. Samatri), Sonba.

Saf. 12.10 Gin dittb gcfantmclt, burd) J. 2. Sawafn. Casf.

4.35 Ungcnanut 5.00 W. SJebigb, an. 5.00 G. G. Scbig.

an. 5.00 51. Canton, 10.00 ST. S. Wcinter, Wcmton, 10.00 Glif.

Untub. irtiboro, 37.40 W. W. dtofcr. fcenberfon.

Web. 40.00 Hebron burd) obn aljcr, San. 145.00 JBcrnjanbte Iefcte SSod)c, ic fleben. Sofjn Sotfj, Woifcl, flanl. 5.00 bie Gmiafctt tooranacgangen ift Gr fen balb nad) California su 8tct)cn.

I nrtcSISWI binterliifet fcinc traucmbe Wattin, fct 5. toon $iII5boro tc? Gs" finb and) cttrigc auf bcr droit-fcnlifte, bod) ntdjt bcttlagerig. So fubr G. ftrtefen mit feiner befferen $alfte nad) Tobge Cttn. 311m Srr3t.

S5. Sricfcn toitt mit feiner Wemabltn nad) Bidjita 311m STrjt. $if. fcntltd) bilft S. Wtt Xante a.

Waat ift c5 faft immcr etnerlci. fl. Si. WcitnerS unb Sofa 3li 1.00 25 00 1110 Ungenannt. Woifcl.

Jobann Sdjmibt, Woffel, KiiftonS-ugenbtcrein, burd? V. aJKnncoIa, nc SHnber unb bielc Sreunbe, bie Sdwicgcrcltern, cincn 'Brubcr unb qucttio fudjten fton ttortgcit Ttcn? taa. Xante flobn toar ia eine 3ctt IrMtmrat of ITCH, ECZEMA, 3Voci Sdtftocftcrn. long fer Icibcnb, ift iefet al'cr balb KINUWOKM. TBTTKR or tktr Itching akin litnara.

Try tTScaa bea ow nak. Sonntag, ben 16. Tlai, mar ba tuieber ItcrgcftcIIt. tabor CcIIcge GlaH of Stoenfcjr one, burd) Senrp tjede. 5s.

ftlaffen. TJounbribge. m. 50.00 Claassen Drug Co. Scgrabni-S.

Sm cufe fcrcbigte STaron crmcr, SorncIiuS Unru.

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